Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Day 3 - 349 -- Greys and Blues

Very fine snow began mid-morning and then turned to big fluffy flakes. That is when I went out to pick up exams from the printers. It is a two block walk and by the time I got home there was fine spitty rain. For the next hour it was rain and wet snow mixed. I drove around town doing several errands, dropping exams onto campus and getting a few groceries. By the time I headed home in late afternoon, there was enough rain to make my gloves wet. It will freeze overnight and then temperatures will rise a bit but it will be snow tomorrow for certain they tell us -- about 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) -- unless the sea effect snow takes over again. It may be that not all students can get in for the final exam at 7 PM tomorrow since a few live a fair distance away. Writing a second exam for them seems better than having them risk their safety getting here. We'll see. I hope it doesn't evolve as forecast -- just another layer of stress no one needs.

I'm behind in getting parcels and such into the mail on time. The parcel deadline has past, but there is an expedited rate that should work. Cards are due out in the next couple of days. I plan to address envelopes while invigilating tomorrow. I got the last items to mail today, so the parcels will be prepared over the next couple of days. If all else fails, some people will get a note or call to say "the gift is in the mail" <grin>.

I'm still struggling to get into the holiday mood -- well the happier part of that mood. I will go to a great choral event this week in hopes that it gets me feeling a bit of that spirit and then help me get through the piles of grading. I have so much work to do for others as well as me, that I feel snowed under -- looking out the window doesn't help a lot with that, either <sigh>. The grey skies must be messing with my mood these days -- well that and the big white on the ground <smile>. The song that came to mind today deals with the blue feeling that can appear around the big holidays. It does have a bit of a lilt to it so isn't totally depressing <grin>. I love the smoothness of the voice featured here. Enjoy!

The Christmas Blues -- Dean Martin

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