What a busy world out there! My day began with some errands for grocery items and a stop at the drug store for a few necessary but unexciting items. The three stores I visited were very full of people doing the same thing as me. The small bakery had a line up. The grocery store took forever to get through the aisles and the checkout. The drug store moved along a bit better, but was still not the quick visit I'd planned. Once home, my afternoon and early evening involved writing course outlines for the three courses that begin in January. That always takes longer than imagined. I ended by making a list of things that need to happen tomorrow so that food items are ready for Sunday and housework is done now instead of on Christmas day <smile>.
I've been out to stores twice this week and people are in an tizzy to get things ready for that one day. Some people had very ambitious plans judging from their shopping carts. I wouldn't have been surprised if it were the beginning of the month with the enormous piles of baking ingredients. To use them all in preparation for the weekend looked like no one would be sleeping -- just baking until Sunday morning. All stores were filled with people -- some with a mission and a list and many with that glazed eye look of panic. The music from above seemed to be 'real' music rather than lower grade covers of Christmas songs. It was very enjoyable. Parking lots were full so even that part of the trip took longer. I always find this interesting, since we all know when the holidays are going to fall -- it isn't like there is a storm expected in the next 12 hours, yet the stores have that sort of feel to them -- just with soothing holiday music in the background. I know I'm late doing this, but my job precludes doing much since before Thanksgiving (the Canadian one in October) due to the constant stream of grading and committee work. So -- I'm always one of the late ones for food shopping and getting cards and parcels in just under the wire most years, since that shopping begins far earlier than December <smile>. Yet, I expect we all feel that need to make things perfect -- cook every favourite food item and dessert. I decided some time ago that this couldn't happen, so I choose two or three baked goods to tackle based on what I think I want that year. The vegetable dishes that I take to dinner this year can be partially cooked ahead and then fully assembled and baked just before I leave for the festivities.
There was a line of lyric from an older Christmas song that came to mind today -- all about the business. I've chosen a version from a new Christmas album that just came out a month or so ago. Love the range of this Canadian songstress. Enjoy!
Silver Bells -- Sarah McLachlan
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