Sunday, 20 June 2021

Day 8 - 171 -- Role Model

Sun visited all day today. Some mundane household chores were executed. I also took some time to relax a bit and watch a couple of recorded cooking shows. I thought it would be a nice Fathers Day for families to gather for an outdoor meal, something we did often on this day when I was a child. 

My dad has been gone for 15-1/2 years, but it seems like yesterday. I think of him so often. He would have the answer to many of my queries of 'how do I . .." or "where should I go for ...". He was always just a phone call away. he had infinite patience for a little girl who always asked 'how does that work?' and the ever-present "why". I wanted to be his helper as he undertook all the repair and building projects. When he borrowed the wheel barrow from the man across the street, I went along to get a ride home in the barrow. I was there when he was working to pour the cement for the floors in the new addition to the church. I accompanied him to his parents home when the old black iron stove was replaced with a new electric one. I was there when he laid cement for our sidewalks and patio. So many other memories -- putting in the picture windows, anchoring the wrought iron railing in molten lead, putting up the winter storm windows every year. We spent time together in his gardens -- roses, lilies, vegetable and my favourite -- the gladiolus. We picked the colours together at the nursery each year as we added to the colour palette and plants in the different garden beds. Many of you won't believe this <smirk> but by high school and university age, I even got up on Saturday mornings to go for groceries with dad. We left the house between 8 and 8:30 AM! As an adult home to visit, I would walk with him as he paid utility bills all over downtown. I always smiled when he knew every person in the offices by name. Even walking down the street, it was difficult to have a conversation since he was greeting so many people along the sidewalk. Dad lived in the same city all of his life in about 5 different houses -- all but one of them in a 3 block square. I laughed whenever he and his older brother (by 1 year and 3 days) got together and giggled like little boys finishing each others sentences -- right to the end. 

My dad modeled so much positive behaviour. He was great in a crisis and was often the one that communicated bad news with his siblings (he was one of 9). He loved to laugh and tell stories from childhood escapades. But Dad also listened well and offered advice when requested. He gave the best gifts -- since he took the time to know and understand each person and what they enjoyed and found important. I still aspire to be a better person and be more like my dad.    

There are so many songs about fathers. Many are rather maudlin. The one shared here contains lyrics that are more positive and from the father's viewpoint. Keep safe. Enjoy!

-- Father and Daughter -- Paul Simon

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