Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Day 8 - 249 -- Corporate Encounter

Today was bright and sunny and slightly warmer than past few days. The insurance adjuster phoned to complete the information gathering -- much of which they should already have as my insurer <sigh>. Then I had to upload photos of the car from each of the four corners, the damaged area, the VIN (even though this was found on the registration form I had to upload), and the odometer reading. Now mine is an LED, so taking a picture wouldn't work no matter what angle or degree of brightness I tried. So, I uploaded a photo with a bright white light patch on the instrument panel. <sigh>. Once all items were uploaded, there was nothing to say submit or finish or in some way notify the user of the software that it was OK to close the window. So, I just closed it and then left a text message with the number used by the the adjuster to send the link. Now, tomorrow an assessor will be appointed and they will look at the photos and provide an estimate for repairs. I told them which autobody shop I wanted to use -- the same as any other time someone has driven into me in the past. It seems the insurance company will not  warranty the work (a lifetime warranty) from this shop, though it has in the past. It is an independent and I suspect the large corporate beings chose to do a deal with only specific other large corporate chains -- the nearest of which is 45 minutes down the highway. Goofy. So, we sit and wait for yet another person to contact me and tell me that I can take it into the shop. The adjuster also approved a rental while the work is being done. I'm not sure how long things will take, so until then I won't make arrangements for the rental since there is a dollar cap on it. The story will be ongoing for some time, I can tell. <sigh> 

The song chosen for today may be a bit over the top but my interactions with a large corporate entity left me a bit out of sorts. This made me smile albeit in a rather satirical or sarcastic manner. <smirk> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Take the Money and Run -- Crosby & Nash


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