Saturday, 4 September 2021

Dy 8 - 246 -- Promise & Anticipation

A moderately cool day as loads of first years and their families arrived on campus to settle into residence. The fall influx of students makes the town much busier than usual -- lots more people on Main Street and tons more traffic. I spent the day at home getting some needed cleaning and laundry completed. More of same for tomorrow and maybe some time for a movie or something for the holiday Monday. We'll see what transpires. 

Seeing the photos of students, parents, sibs and friends posted on the university site reminded me of my many years heading to Saskatoon for the school year. For my first year, mom and dad both accompanied me. In subsequent years, dad and I did the trip alone some years. There got to be far less room in the car for three people as the accumulation of books and papers expanded. The quality of the light at this point in the year along with cooler overnight temperatures remind me of being on campus -- whether that was undergrad in Saskatoon, masters in Winnipeg, doctoral work back in Saskatoon or teaching time in Nova Scotia. There is something in the air that you can see, feel and almost taste as a new school term begins. 

Much excitement was clear in the photos online, which reminded me of wondering how I'd make friends or later the excitement of getting to see friends again  and hear of their escapades over the summer. This time of year can hold much promise -- perhaps a mix of hope and plans. The excitement consisted of loose plans, expectations, trepidation and hope. There were tears -- both sad and happy. I still get a subtle reminder of those feelings every September -- a wistful thing. Seeing a new crop of people arrive on campus each year, makes me smile. They have so much ahead of them that will challenge every particle of their beings,but it will be such a fantastic learning journey -- and not just academically <smile>. Discovering who they are and what is important to them will be amazing. There is so much left to be added into that self portrait that is only a charcoal sketch a present. These thoughts bring me hope for the future and remind me of the rhythms of life.

A lyric that expresses the concept of personal discovery is shared tonight. It has an electropop feel with the upbeat messaging. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Where We Come Alive -- Ruelle 

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