Thursday, 2 September 2021

Day 8 - 243 -- Positives Crush Negatives

Overall, the day brought many positives in the tasks completed and more information gathered for the next items on the big list. As I was preparing for a virtual meeting, the doorbell rang. I was surprised to see a familiar face at the door delivering a gift card to my favourite local restaurant. The chef himself completed this errand. The gift was from a friend and research colleague -- the person I met with online moments later. That made me smile. A major favour by another person helped me to breathe again. A call to a business about online purchase site helped me to find what I'd wanted but couldn't find online. Another weight lifted.  

A flurry of small positive events can improve mood and reduce anxiety. Sometimes, even one positive works. At times, seeing the positive in an otherwise 'blah' day presents a challenge. Negative perceptions can increase anxiety and climbing out from under that becomes more difficult the longer it visits. Good things that happen gift the moments that help us see things in a happier light. Looking forward and making plans are easier to do with a positive outlook. I hope that others are able to move in this direction. 

A song came to mind because of the core activity involved in the lyrics. The two singers bring smiles. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dancing in the Street -- David Bowie & Mick Jagger 

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