The day was sunny and warm again after a slightly cooler overnight. I worked around the house today. Into the evening, I decided to check the outside air to determine if it made sense to open windows. In the darkness, I opened the front door holding the inside door close behind me to keep the furry fellow inside. To my surprise for the first time ever, I felt a furry being around my ankles. I reached down to move it back into the house assuming my fellow had joined me, only to feel a tail that was smaller than expected. I quickly stepped back into the house and turned on the porch light. The little ginger tabby, Lucy, from three doors down was on the front walkway and then as I chatted to her, she rested under the huge maple in the front yard. She has been seen sleeping on my front porch in the past, so I expect this time she was doing just that but in front of the door rather than over in one of the corners. I guess I will need to turn the light on from now on when checking the weather in the front yard. <smile>
I chose a song in honour of my surprise visitor. It seemed to fit as she may need to add a light or something luminescent to her collar <smile>. The lyrics even note a sky coloured in her ginger shades. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds -- Elton John
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