Friday, 24 September 2021

Day 8 - 259 -- Promoting Change

Intermittent rain filled the day. A couple errands were completed early in the day with a quick medical appointment later in the afternoon. While overall, I'd rate the day as very good, there were moments of melancholy. This does happen on cloudy and rainy days, so the weather may exacerbate slight poignant moments. Or is it like the line from Men in Black II -- 

    Agent K: "When you get sad it always seems to rain." Response: "Lots of people get sad when it     rains."

    Agent K: "It rains because you're sad, baby." 

Now, I don't feel that I have the kind of power that can affect weather patterns, but I've always liked that line. To me it points to our interconnectedness with the world around us -- not only the people, but flora, fauna and climate patterns. I've been aware of these changes for decades from my time on the prairies where droughts and floods affect food crop production. Now from a maritime standpoint, I see the changes in sea life and the reduction of coastal lands as the polar ice caps have melted. Many scientists and political leaders have spoken of the impacts -- positive and negative -- that humans as a group and as individuals can have on the planetary climate changes. They stress that we are nearing a tipping point that will require major public policy to drive the changes needed to support the life on this planet. Unlike the character in MiB II, we don't have another planet to head off to. This is it. 

So, maybe in a way, I do have some power to affect weather patterns by translating and disseminating scientific knowledge about how as individuals and societies we can promote positive changes. I share a great song with you all tonight. The lyric is wonderful and the accompanying video is telling. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Truth to Power -- OneRepublic

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