Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Day 8 - 250 -- Micro-Moments of Peace

The day was sunny and warm. Just after lunch a house up the block began a blow out. There was a table with drinks and papers and such in their front yard. As more people arrived things got louder, including the need to begin to shout over the dialed up music. I could feel the bass beat through the furniture I sat on. I even heard it while having a shower. I do like to see students back for school and the positives that they bring. It is very difficult to get over the numerous negatives. Few seem to be masking or distancing. This group doesn't seem to care about the other people who live around them. I'm afraid this doesn't bode well for the next several months. I guess curmudgeon mode is on for the foreseeable future <grump>.   

I headed up to campus to drop off some things and do a bit of printing. It was quiet in the building, though it was closer to 6 PM. I saw a couple of people and had a quick chat with each of them. That alone helped me feel calmer. Juggling the many anxiety inducing bits of life seems tough and one or two additional things can make it go in all directions. Finding the things that help -- chatting with friends, going for a walk, listening to music or having a bath or shower -- can move us into a slightly better place. Those micro-moments of peace are treasures. 

I was thinking of songs that bring a calming feel. There were several that came to mind quickly. The melody is often the calming part and the lyrics are secondary. One had a great melody with words that painted a great picture in my mind. I'll share the first of these to enter my mind today. I guess it is great that there are a number of songs that can help ground me on stressful days. <smile>. Keep well. Enjoy! 

Rocky Mountain High -- John Denver

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