Rain fell overnight and on and off during the day. It felt cooler than it has been, but should get a bit warmer in the next few days. I had one phone meeting today and then worked on a peer review for a journal. Once this was completed and submitted, I edited slides for the guest lecture at the end of this week. All the indoor activities worked well with the rainy weather.
A friend had a power interruption to their home today that lasted a few hours. I haven't experienced one for some time -- that was with Hurricane Dorian and lasted 27 hours. Generally even in storms, if we lose power it is for 3-4 hours. That alone can be disruptive if it is during waking hours or one is not equipped with a battery operated alarm clock. <smile> Few things that I do during the day do not require electricity. On darker days like today, lights need to be used just to do basic cooking and cleaning. I do spend more time than I think I do online with social media, this blog, email and such. I use my devices for journaling, record keeping, and virtual meetings. I feel that I use electronics more now than I did before the pandemic. I know I do more online real time connecting for sure. Even my home phone -- the new name for what had been the landline -- requires power since it is now a VOIP device. Without a cell phone, we'd be cut off from the outside world in a power outage. When in the midst of an outage, I look for things to keep me busy. I love board games, but need more than me to play them. <smile> So, I read -- often aloud as this seems to help calm the furry one when the world turns dark. I have to use a flashlight to do this, so am still using battery power. Texting can keep me in touch with the outside world. By the time even a short interruption has ended, all I want is a hot cup of tea and anything but a sandwich -- something heated. <smile>
I guess I can take many things for granted until I'm challenged to work around their absence. Finding different ways to fill my time may help me to see things differently. I don't want to feel upset or angry over something beyond my control. That brought a song to mind <surprise!> by a band with a name that fit the thoughts of the day. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Don't Bring Me Down -- Electric Light Orchestra
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