Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Day 8 - 269 -- Puppy Viewing

The sun shone today and it felt warmish -- not hot like last week, but still pleasant at 20C/68F. I headed for a walk in the early evening with great cool air. I saw the Pyrenees puppy from three doors down the street. I hadn't seen him up close for over 2 weeks. He is now 4 months old and has grown a lot -- like a real lot. Last I saw him he was about 35 pounds. He is now 55 pounds! He is taller and a bit longer -- at that gangly teenage stage. His person noted the vet stated that this is about one-third of his expected adult weight!! He will be a very big boy -- topping out in the area of 150 to 160 pounds. YIKES. He was happy to see me and wanted to play but I stood and talked instead, so he found something else to amuse himself. <smile>  

A song about a dog seemed to fit the encounter I had today. There are several, but this one seemed more relaxed with its bluesy nature. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Seaumus -- Pink Floyd 

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