Endings and beginnings. Exciting plans for the summer are shared with longer term plans for grad school, internship or further training in the fall. While one chapter ends, the new one is already being written. There is much excitement, many photos being taken, always big smiles; yet in the corner of the eye is a slight hint of sadness -- sad to see this part of life's journey ending -- but its just a small, almost hidden feature. I've done this several times through life and have experienced the wistfulness of an ending. Leaving somewhere that has become a sort of home -- school or work -- brings mixed feelings. Perhaps it is somewhat like that proverbial emotional roller-coaster. Sadness, excitement, fear, joy -- it truly is a workout.
The song title that came to mind today covers the endings and beginnings, while the lyrics present many contradictory ideas. It was written by a prolific duo, members of the fabulous foursome who perform the song. Enjoy!
Hello, Goodbye -- The Beatles
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