Saturday, 9 May 2015

Day 2-129 -- A cloudy introspective day

It has been a cloudy introspective Saturday <smile>, working my way through some interactions and wondering where the  truth lies. A wise friend has said that everyone has a story and that the stories may not match up. Now that I can understand -- being a postmodernist I understand that truth is pluralistic. I've come to wonder though if there are multiple truths within each of us, too. Do we hide truth from ourselves? Granted there are things that are not pleasant to look at inside ourselves -- things we may not even fully understand. Trying to prettify them will not help us to move forward past these events, though.

I try to give others the benefit of a doubt or justify their behaviours or words. It isn't always easy if this occurs often with someone. Is there a point where my justifications are simply deluding me? Do they cover up the truth that I don't want to see or believe? A definite possibility. Yet, I feel that I've moved outside my comfort zone if I am less than charitable with others -- even if that is mirroring what I may experience from them. Would the world be better if there were more truthfulness and honesty between and within people? I'm not sure. It may be that some hiding from truth is a necessary survival technique. Hmmmm -- more pondering needed here, it seems.

The selection I've chosen to share is by a singer-songwriter who has been featured here many times -- even as the first post ever made in this blog. He plays the instrument with which I am most familiar and his lyrics have deep poetic meaning. This song seems to say some of the things I've been pondering while doing weekend chores today. Enjoy!

Honesty -- Billy Joel

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