Friday, 8 May 2015

Day 2-128 -- Visits from Home

I took the whole day off work to visit with friends. What a perfect way to spend a Friday.  A friend from Saskatchewan is visiting relatives near here and she drove up to go for lunch and spend the afternoon visiting -- great fun and so relaxing. Interesting that her career took her west and mine took me east -- go figure <smile>.  I met another friend for a light supper and wonderful conversation. She moved back this way about a year ago, yet we met in grad school in Saskatchewan.

It is always fun to spend time with friends and even better to connect with people from home. This country is so large that home can be very far away. Such visits bring it closer. Being able to pick up a conversation as if we'd not been apart for a while is such a gift. Being able to discuss anything without fear of judgement is amazing. Everyone should have access to such fantastic friendships.

Yesterday I had a conversation about the artist who performs today's selection. The song is about my home province -- where I met both friends I visited with today. While the artist is from Alberta, near the end the lyrics explain his reason for writing this one. It is fun as many of his songs are. The video chosen is part of a larger 8-minute interview on Q - TV. Enjoy!

Long Gone to Saskatchewan -- Corb Lund and the Hurtin' Albertans

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