Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Day 2 - 133 -- Weather, Work and a Music Legend

The day began about 15C at sunrise but was 4C when I got home for supper 12 hours later. The wind was cold from the north and the air was damp adding to the shiver factor. I had trouble focusing at work today, but I did get a couple very small items done and dealt with some communications about projects underway. Again, not really what was on my list for the day, but things that did need to be done at some point. So -- not a wasted day by any means.

I heard a lyric this morning that noted that the troubadours had invented love. The line caught my attention and had me thinking of it throughtout the day. This line was embedded in a song filled with amazing imagery. The singer-songwriter worries about the loss of poets, but his presence shows us that they are not all lost. His voice has changed with health issues, but it is still wonderful for listening. He is an iconic Canadian cowboy, who at 81 is headed off on a tour of Canada and the US when his new album drops later this month. The song today is from that new collection.Enjoy!

The Wolves No Longer Sing -- Ian Tyson

PS -- A great 3 minute interview segment is also housed on the Canada AM site -- worth a listen. <smile>

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