Sunday, 17 May 2015

Day 2-137 -- Experiencing Social Support

Well -- so far I've made it through 24 hours post injury.I've discovered that many things can be done one-handed albeit less efficiently, yet so many simple things are outright impossible.  I will need to relearn how to dress myself, it seems. How might one tie shoes though? Or braid hair? Today I had 3 friends offer to assist with little things.  Cutting open a package of ham, cutting up a mango, lifting an obstacle out of my way so can  access the deep freeze for supper, providing prepared food, putting on a sling, folding the sheets from the dryer. and so many other activities. Friendship is a wonderful thing,

There is a concept known as social support. It is key to social as well as physical well being. This involves knowing that there are people who will help you when you need assistance. This concept must be reciprocal, though -- knowing that you could help others as their need arises.  I would say that the past day has been filled with social support.

The selection today notes that when independence seems to disappear, we should accept help as needed -- something that can be difficult to do. We should also be mindful of when others might need our help or company. How's your semiphore? <smile> Enjoy!

Help -- The Beatles

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