Sunday, 5 November 2017

Day 4 - 309 -- Sunday Yardwork

After some housework and grading, I headed outside to clear up the planters. One was easy to dump at the side of the yard. The other was difficult -- a much larger plant pot. I tried to get the bulbs out of the pot, but finally had to carry the huge thing off the porch and out to dump it and then tear the dirt and roots apart from the bottom up. I found 14 of the 21 bulbs that had all sprouted. Obviously some of them stopped growing shortly after that. I have the bulbs laid out downstairs to dry a bit before I store them in an onion bag over the winter. I look forward to planting them all again next spring. The sun had disappeared by the time I headed outside. Even with gardening gloves, my fingers were very cold by the time I finished the cleanup.

My yard care person came by this week and moved the leaves from the front yard. I'm always sad when that happens as I love the sound and feel they make as I walk through ankle deep piles when heading to and from the car in the very long driveway. The backyard trees are turning slowly now and will drop in the next week or two. Then we can tackle the eaves so the rain will run to the down spout and not overflow all along the length.  An irritation with leaf 'removal' is those using leaf blowers. While horrible noise polluters, I've seen the leaves blown off one property onto another -- few properties with fences in this area. That is just wrong. I have a feeling some of mine end up this way -- something I need to discuss perhaps <smile>.

My mind went to a strange song for today. The lyrics sound like they fit, but the metaphor of those lyrics is something entirely different. <smile> The singer has a distinctive voice that was at its peak in the video shared here. Enjoy!

Clean Up your Own Backyard -- Elvis Presley

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