Thursday, 30 November 2017

Day 4 - 334 -- Thanks

The word of the day seems to be "thanks"  I received a touching note thanking me for support and facilitating teaching. I conveyed my thanks to several others as they helped with bumps and such throughout the day. With just one day and two classes left before the end of term, the assistance of others was much appreciated and helped to reduce the stress level of the day.

Today is also the tree lighting in Boston Common. No, I'm not there, but many Nova Scotians are, along with a magnificent white spruce - the tallest ever sent. The tree journeyed from Inverness county on Cape Breton -- just over an hour from town. Why the tree from so far away when they do grow much closer to Boston? A century ago next week was the infamous Halifax explosion when a munitions ship exploded in the harbour leveling much of the north end of the city with shock wave damage on both sides of the harbour. In the days before internet and even stable phone land lines, the mayor of Boston had cabled the Halifax mayor.  After hearing nothing back, a train was packed with relief supplies and medical staff. It arrived 48 hours after the explosion after struggling through a major blizzard. This assistance was sent without knowing what they'd find at the other end. As they went through St. John, NB the word about the devastation came to be understood. The selfless assistance sent from Boston led to the first tree being sent the following year as a simple gesture of thanks. There were years in the middle where trees weren't sent but with the revival of the tree gifting, the tree in the Common has been sent since 1971.

The cementing of a strong friendship between the two cities was a key outcome of the explosion. As seen in many disasters there were other learnings. Fire fighting changed as much was learned from dealing with the fires in Halifax. The relief medical and nursing staff began the burn unit at Mass General, where novel treatment and care for burn victims has continued. Ophthamological care and understanding of blindness grew from the many eye injuries encountered. So, there was some good that came from the horror.

When thinking of a song that would be fitting to say 'thank you' I ran through many before one came to mind that fit the situation in my head. Filled with imagery, the lyric seems to fit helping others in times of disasters with no questions asked. There are many versions, but I found one with good sound quality. Enjoy!

Shelter from the Storm -- Bob Dylan

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