Friday, 10 November 2017

Day 4 - 314 -- Kindnesses

A common theme permeated the work week -- kindness. I found myself in situations where this was the only sane response. Compassion for the situations in which others find themselves produces smoother communications. People feel valued and their feelings validated. I found many responses involved surprise that someone would be flexible enough to assist others. I may be overloaded with work  requiring my attention, but that takes a back seat to people needing assistance. Today involved an act of kindness from a friend that made me smile and relax in the midst of all the goofy stresses of the end of term.

Kindness may not always be top of mind when it seems like just one more thing piled onto an already overfull desktop. Addressing the situation with empathy instead of anger can focus the energy to an external rather than internal source, while turning that energy to a positive instead of a negative force. Small acts can make a large difference. Often the situation can been viewed as a huge insurmountable barrier to one person. Yet, when another person explains that it isn't nearly as big to them, people seem surprised and best of all, relieved. Situations may involve having to break a social engagement, miss a work deadline or  request assistance. It seems we often see such needs as weaknesses -- that we should be able to handle it all and do it all. However common this belief may be, it just isn't logical to expect so much of self or others. As the Dalai Lama has stated many times, practice compassion.

A song lyric that fit the topic well is shared with you all today. The lyrics cover compassion, kindness, and even touch on forgiveness. All of this occurs in the midst of an upbeat melody and great musical arrangement. Enjoy!

Nothing More -- The Alternate Routes

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