Monday, 6 November 2017

Day 4 - 310 -- Feeling Confused

Things have felt a bit 'off' for the past two or three days. I can't quite pinpoint the cause, though I might blame it on time change. I've felt very tired over the weekend and seem not to know the actual time. Today I was surprised to find out it was only 3:30 in the afternoon and I thought I needed to get supper ready. I decided I'd wait until the new time arrived. My stomach was growling and I checked the time again. Now it was 6:00 PM. After supper I felt it was already time to begin to plan for the morning and get a bedtime snack together. One hour difference seems huge. Even the furry one seems not to know when to alert me that it is time to fill his bowl. <smile> I'm hoping things improve sooner rather than later.

This week will be known as grading week. A term paper from one class and a smaller assignment from another are due tomorrow. Another small assignment is due on Thursday and there is a second midterm exam held on Wednesday. This is way too much grading for a single week. The long weekend will still be filled with the hateful task of assigning grades to the student work. Times like this make me want to binge grade just to get it over, yet this tends to lack quality of decision making on my part, so I try to pace myself. It is a distinct possibility that by this time next week, my brain will have become nonfunctional mush. We'll see.

A song title fits my feeling for the past few days as well as the next 7 days. One line in particular made me smile -- "where people play games with the night" -- though I suspect the songwriter had something else in mind. The selection is part spoken word and part song -- an intriguing mix from this musician/singer/songwriter, well known from The Band. The video shared here begins with a great focus on strings. Enjoy!

Somewhere Down the Crazy River -- Robbie Robertson

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