Friday, 11 January 2019

Day 6 - 11 -- Greyness of Clouds

The light out the window looked like there would be sun visible in the sky. It wasn't. Instead it was a cloud-filled sky, yet it seemed less dark grey than earlier in the week. So clouds, but  lighter grey clouds. Parsing the degree of greyness in a sky felt a bit odd. It truly suits a maritime climate, though. I mentioned this to a friend who instantly understood the 'lighter grey' phrasing. I suppose it is not much different that describing various blues of the sky in a prairie climate with far more sunny days than cloudy days. I suppose the reason I noted this subtle colour difference, was the day seemed brighter to me -- maybe literally as well as figuratively. <smile> 

Sky gazing has been a pastime of mine since early childhood. I grew up where there was more sky than ground -- land of living skies. Now, living in the middle of a forest among the hills, I feel semi-claustrophobic -- and I've been here for 20 years! Rainy days can go on for weeks here and not be the sharp showers of climates not as close to an ocean. I've learned to enjoy the sound and feel of rain, though I miss the huge skies terribly.

A song ran through my mind when discussing the sky today. The title fit my thinking, though the lyrics take the topic into a different metaphorical place. I've loved this one for many moons. Enjoy!

Shades of Gray -- The Monkees

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