Monday, 7 January 2019

Day 6- 7 -- Piling on the Negatives

I checked the calendar just to be sure. It definitely is Monday on many levels beyond the date on the laptop screen. For the past 4 days, a telemarketer has called between 6:15 and 6:25 AM. I don't answer, but hate waking before the alarm especially when I'm in a deep sleep. The north wind blew heavily all day making even indoors feel cold. On an up side, the snow from overnight was minimal and light to move, though the wind continued to move it back into the pathways. I waited on hold for 50 minutes and finally gave up and asked for a call back -- this with a gift card management company NOT the company for which the card was purcahsed. I left a call back request two weeks ago and never had anyone call. Today, they returned the call within 30 minutes. I expect that no one ever answers the on hold line. We managed to get things straightened out. I then got an e-mail from someone else and a second call several hours later. So it seems multiple copies of the card were resent by multiple people not recognizing that others had already done this. There are four toll free numbers that I was given, none of which actually got a person who could do anything about situation.They need to streamline that process, which I wrote on their FB page today. It just shouldn't be so difficult to find someone with a solution. Other bits of weirdness involved e-mail messages that seemed to bring my mood to a place I'd rather not be.

I find it interesting that negative events seem to come in clusters and positive ones are more solitary. Humans do focus on negative events but when I count them, there really are more of them. If there were to come one at a time, would the impact be as profound? Might it be easier to handle the frustrations and move on if there were only one negative event at a time? Maybe. It likely would depend on the event. To be honest, there have been several events in the past week that showed that 'customer service' is an oxymoron. That may be my problem -- just too much of the unpleasant with disrupted sleep, so coping mechanisms need rebooting. Note of these are end of the world type issues, just irritations that highlight my perception of a change in the service industry -- and not for the better.  <sigh> In mid-afternoon, I went out to shovel snow. That physical activity helped me clear my head and move out of the cranky rut. After supper, I had a soak in a hot bath to warm up and to relax. I did feel better after that, too. I'm off to bed now with some chai and a recorded program. Like Scarlet O'Hara said, "Tomorrow's another day."  (in a deep southern drawl) <smile>

A song came to mind that I'd heard on one of the New Year's Eve programs. The chorus lyrics fit what I aimed for today. I love this blues-rock style and the band is from Saskatoon -- my old stomping grounds. <smile> Love the chicken wire <giggle>.  Enjoy!

Nobody -- The Sheepdogs

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