Thursday, 17 January 2019

Day 6 - 17 -- Pattern is Full

Today filled with the overflow from yesterday piled onto the plan for today. Well, maybe that is a bit harsher than reality. There was an extra meeting added after the two planned for today were completed. Each required me to be on top of very different topics. All went well and the meetings were even fun. Fun meetings may seem like an oxymoron, but the do exist -- I've discovered them recently when doing things I love. <smile>  Walking home in the cold, the absence of the wind strength of the morning made the colder air less menacing. I felt very weary when I arrived home. It is days like today that make the dinners I've frozen a major asset.

Discussing the direction, planning and writing for research projects takes much concentration and effort. Doing the two major projects on the same day was challenging. I got through. Next week will involve the usual routine of updates on separate days. Being flexible when necessary changes appear surprised me yesterday and today. While, tired by the final meeting, my mood remained elevated and didn't descend into crankiness. Similarly, the multiple changes yesterday left me feeling fine. That is unusual as I often feel some frustration with changes. Perhaps this means that the reduction in stresses of the academic term of teaching and admin can or has made a difference. I'll have to test that hypothesis <grin>.

A song lyric that fit the very full schedule of the day seemed apropos today. The guitar and drums bring a frenetic feel to the song, while the lyrics are sung in a rapid fire manner. That is part  of what I felt that led to weariness, but not anger or irritation today. Enjoy!

Got the Time -- Joe Jackson

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