Friday, 4 January 2019

Day 6 - 4 -- Shopping Day Thoughts

A telemarketer call at 6:12 AM woke me before I'd planned to greet the day. They called again about 7:30 AM. Neither time did I answer. Once I was adequately awake, the day began with moving snow off the car and running a number of errands. That meant visits to two grocery stores, a hardware store, bakery and clothing store. I managed to get most items on the list. The grocery load was not huge this time, but the tally at the till was surprising. Most of what I needed was not on sale this week. This is when plastic becomes most useful. With rising prices for basics, I'd hate to be caught short with cash. I also had to fill the car with gasoline since the little icon was shining and binging at me <smile>. So, I think I spent more than expected.

Budgeting becomes difficult when prices fluctuate dramatically. One item I purchased was $5.99 last week and is $7.99 this week. The frustration in thinking one knows the regular price only to find a higher price at the store can add to the stresses of living within a financial plan. Sometimes the price is less than expected, but this seems rarer or a much smaller amount is involved. For example, An item that is often $18.50 was $17.89 today. So not something that would offset the first item when shopping today. There are days when I refuse to pay what they are asking for something -- often produce. Lettuce today was 46 cents a head -- far less than I've seen it for a long time. So, that was my leafy greens for the week -- and it helped with the overall increase of the first product with the $2 increase this week. Maybe it all works out in the end and I should just breathe <smile>. At least gas was down this week.

A chorus line from a lyric reflected what I'd felt today -- money leaving while I then ran to the next store on the list. The story told by the lyrics is very different, though I do feel the concept of robbery did run through my head -- me as the victim not the perpetrator <smile>. Enjoy!

Take the Money and Run -- The Steve Miller Band

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