Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Day 6 - 22 -- Seeing from Different Angles

Today the wind returned much stronger than overnight. This led to an amazing series of sea effect snow flurries -- most times blowing horizontal snow appeared out the windows. Accumulations were small in town. Visibility in town and surrounding areas were nearly zero at times. I encountered small finger drifts starting as I walked home against the major wind gusts.

While working away in my windowless office, I was unaware of the goings on outside. When I went into the hallway to the printer or to make a cup of tea, the blowing snow danced by the windows. The angular travels and circular motion of the flakes was fascinating to watch. It almost felt relaxing. Now, I've seen this through a windshield with very different results -- major tension in neck and shoulders. Perspective brings differing results. Interesting, eh? <smile> This brought to mind a number of recent conversations where viewpoints differed. Some people were willing to try to understand viewpoints other than their own, while other people chose to expound on their singular viewpoint as the only viewpoint worth listening to. These situations arise almost daily. The snow helped me gain some perspective today.

Lyrics that echo the pondering of the day come wrapped in the music of a genre that might appear to bury the lyric message. The band comes from the California punk movement of the 1990s. I'm sharing a lyric video that might help when listening to this short high-energy song. Enjoy!

Point of View -- Blink-182

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