Sunday, 20 January 2019

Day 6 - 20 -- Howling Wind

Looking out the kitchen window this morning, the grey sky and stillness seemed almost ominous. Snow fell later in the morning, but quickly turned to a mix of rain and snow. By supper time, the precipitation fell as rain. The the wind picked up bringing a roaring with the hefty gusts. Warmer temperatures ride in on this southerly wind. Overnight temperatures will climb well above freezing, while more rain falls. To the northwest of here, there is extended periods of freezing rain and even further north more snow. The system will continue into tomorrow with less frozen particles that expected in other areas of the maritimes. This wind mixed with wet snow or freezing rain accretion would be a recipe for power outages. Trees and larger branches may still fall here, but the storm will likely be more damaging down the road from us.

I've wondered if a drop in barometric pressure can signal some fear deep in the hind brain. Even before the sky becomes dark grey and the storm is upon us, would we feel something without the 24/7 online apps and televised weather updates. Listening to wind during the night can bring anxiety and disturb sleep. People look very tired the day after such an overnight storm. Animals can become anxious when winds arrive with loud gusts, hiding under furniture during hurricane force winds -- and I'd like to fit under there to join them to be honest <smile>. In southwestern Saskatchewan, we'd get chinook winds blowing warm air to meld the snow in short order. If these arrived at night, the noise created a poor sleep. So, it isn't just that I live among a lot of trees here.

Lyrics from a song that addresses wind and the fear that comes in the night seemed to fit the thoughts of today. It is from a recent musical. Many singers have performed this song. I've chosen a female voice for this beautiful melody. Enjoy!

Whistle Down the Wind -- Tina Arena (from Lloyd Webber's Whistle Down the Wind musical)

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