Saturday, 19 January 2019

Day 6 - 19 -- By the Pricking of my Thumbs . . .

Gorgeous sunshine greeted the day. The kitchen floor filled with warm bright light. I walked to the convenience store for milk. Apparently, I wasn't the only one with the idea. All four registers had long lines. I realized my earlier decision to avoid the grocery store was a good one. You see, there is something wicked headed this way. It left Colorado a couple of days ago and will visit its nastiness on us beginning tomorrow. This storm is huge and carries severe winds, snow, freezing rain, and rain. The snow fall predictions range wildly as one travels from south to north. In this part of the country, 50-70 cm of snow is expected in the northern regions of New Brunswick with lesser amounts in Nova Scotia. Here they forecast 5-10 cm snow and ice pellets with 25-40 mm rain. It will be messy. I've  charged the electronics and have ideas for food and warmth should power be interrupted. It will continue into Monday so will move more slowly than we might wish.

The anticipation is palpable and the meteorologist are positively vibrating with excitement. That can increase the anxiety in the general populace, though. The brightness of the day made it easy to push the idea of a huge storm to the back of one's mind -- almost a denial. How could anything ugly be on its way when the day is so lovely and calm? I find denial allows me to ignore things -- at least during waking hours. Dreams bring it all back in an odd form of un-reality -- though the anxiety is real. The storm is but one of the items that feed that anxiety dream machine. I guess all I can do comes down to the Girl Guide motto -- be prepared. I've done my best. The 'go bag' may have to wait until tomorrow. For now, I'm going to have a cup of chai and get some rest.

Many songs came to mind that dealt with the topic in one way or another. I settled on one with lyrics that definitely deal with living in denial. It is from a Broadway musical and the version is by the singer-actor who won a Tony for the performance (1969). The music and tempo clearly mimic the fervor in the lyrics. Enjoy!

I Don't Want to Know -- Angela Lansbury (from Dear World)

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