Spending time with a favoured topic or activity can bring smiles. Even when the impending workload may be large, the excitement of immersing oneself in the project is palpable -- work of sorts that brings a hint of fun. Who'd have thought? <smile> I do recall entering academia to get to do the 'fun stuff' as part of my job. Sadly, that isn't the case for many people who carry full teaching loads. So, here I am in retirement doing those enjoyable tasks for no salary. An office and access to computer and library resources needed have been provided by my 'employer.' I think of it as a sabbatical without the bi-weekly deposit into my bank account <smile>.
Shared here is a song that fits the way I felt today. The selection emerged from a distinct '60s sound. The version shared involves a combination of two bands from that era with a resultant sound that feels so right. Enjoy!
Fun, Fun, Fun -- Satus Quo ft. The Beach Boys
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