Sunday, 31 October 2021

Day 8 - 303 -- Costumed Creatures

The temperature rose overnight and will remain in double digit territory overnight tonight. A warm air mass from southern climes arrived while I slept. The forecast predicted an inch of rain during the evening. There has been a bit of drizzle, but nothing to speak of yet -- just a bit of wind here and there. For the end of October, this warmer air is delightful. Add a bit of sunshine and it would be perfect. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow. <smile> 

Halloween is upon us again. The pandemic stopped celebrations last year and suggestions to make trick or treating as contact-less as possible have been stated by public health this year. I don't prepare for the day. My first two years I got treats all ready and had one visitor each year. Since then, I've had 3 or 4 at the door even when I have shut lights off. These all arrived between 8 and 9 PM, so were older kids. The house lies about 100 feet (~31 m) from the street, so trick or treaters may feel the cost-benefit of that long walk may not be worth the effort. The street has changed a lot, too. Older adults and students are the main residents. There are two homes on our long block that have school-aged children, so it may not be a high target street for costumed creatures. Even before COVID, trends towards house parties for kids prevailed. Adding that all together results in next to no visitors to my door. 

I've often struggled with this holiday. The ritualized begging intrigues me -- an odd social custom. As a kid it was OK, but never my favourite event. I will admit that the front yard that I have now could become an amazing ghoulish themed display. It has multiple levels and great trees, shrubs and flower beds that would lend themselves to fun decorating. Given the backyard backs onto an old cemetery (most recent headstone I found dated to 1875), extending that concept to the front could be fun. <grin> 

The song running through my head today was one played for my mother by a group of nursing students at a year end celebration. Since she was a laboratory technologist, he instructed in microbiology. The first line seemed to fit well according to the students. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!  

The Monster Mash -- Bobby (Boris) Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers

Day 8 - 302 -- Avoidance Thoughts

We had another sunny day with warmer temperatures than the past couple of days. I headed out in mid-afternoon to run an errand to then drove out a secondary highway to locate the collision centre. This will ensure I don't have to drive back and forth looking for the right side road on Monday. After a few chores, I was ready to head out for a walk.  The sky had disappeared behind major clouds that usher in the wet day we are promised for tomorrow. Without the sun for the walk, it did feel cooler, but was worth the effort to see the fall flowers and such. 

Since colder overnight temperatures have arrived, I plan to pull out the winter sweatshirts and sweaters to give them a refresh. In a similar fashion, the summer clothes will head back into storage until next spring. I've lived in a part of the world where people have two major seasonal wardrobes. It requires extra storage space, particularly for the bulkier winter clothes and outer wear. Lightweight summer clothes take up much less space when put into hibernation for a few months. I've thought of living somewhere where the winter gear may not be necessary -- or at least a place where I could hide during the winter months. Since moving to the maritime region, some coats have never been worn as it just never gets as cold here as on the prairies. I consider this area milder in temperatures, but not in snowfall. <smile> Perhaps it is time to look into some of the areas I dream about in the midst of winter -- become a snowbird maybe? Or is that just being a wuss <grin>. 

Only one song seemed to fit best tonight. <grin> I chose a version (rather than the original released in 1970) by the original singer and another wonderful voice. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Snowbird -- Anne Murray ft Sarah Brightman


Friday, 29 October 2021

Day 8 - 301 -- Relaxing Ways

The week ended with a fantastic sunny fall day. There was next to no wind, full sun and clear blue sky. I even saw a jet contrail. these have been scarce for so long, that it is exciting to see one. I went for an early walk to help with some stress release. It was cool, but the sun helped me feel warm. When I got back to the house, I felt the need to go for a drive and just 'get away' for a short while. When thinking of this action, I couldn't recall when I had spontaneously gone for a drive. I first thought it was before the pandemic, but I don't think I've done this with the current vehicle. I bought that in December 2019. Wow! No wonder it felt a little freeing. The fall colours were far less stunning than they would have been a week or two ago, but the sunshine on the golden leaves did intensify the pigments.  Lakes and ponds along the drive were glass-like and reflected everything around them like mirrors.  The strait was fairly calm with only small wave action. A perfect day for finding some moments of peace. 

Other than my wandering about, I did get some things done. I leave the car for repair next week (from the damage when someone backed out of a parking space into me as I entered the lot). I spoke with the rental company to ensure that the vehicle I get is manageable and not the size of a small bus like the last time I did this <smile>.With the cost of gas right now, that would be crazy to refill. <shudder>  I also made an appointment for next week to update some documents and work on new ones. At the end of the afternoon, I had two conversations with two friends in our weekly catch up meetings. Being more centred helped with these conversations, too. <smile> 

A simple song is shared tonight. The lyrics are soothing and the music and rhythm feels positive. I'm not sure I've used this artist in past blogs -- maybe once, but I can't be sure. At over 2850 posts, it takes a bit to wade through them all <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Three Little Birds -- Bob Marley and the Wailers

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Day 8 - 300 -- Seasonal Cooking

It felt very fall-like today. Temperatures were cooler with a light wind that made wearing gloves sensible. The cloud cover remained, so outside was dimly lit and all lights needed while inside. I made an outing to pick up a few groceries and then walked out to Main Street for a couple of other items.  The walking helped somewhat with the intermittent stresses today. 

Supper came from the oven again today -- meatloaf, baked potato, sweet potato served along with the sauteed Brussels sprouts from last evening. The weather accommodates different cooking techniques, so the oven has been used often in the past week or two. Recipes change with seasons, also. I find myself thinking of stews, soups, lasagna, curry, and other 'heartier' dishes that we generally make in the warmer months. I plan to watch the sales at grocery stores more closely than I have been. Prices have been climbing steeply at a dizzying rate. Costs of animal proteins have increased dramatically. I will pull out my plant protein favourites -- chili, red beans, chana masala, three sisters soup and such. Again, these are wonderful soothing meals for cooler days -- warming and comforting. 

So many songs about autumn exist and most are so sad. I came across one today with up sounding lyrics delivered by a wonderful jazz voice. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Autumn in New York -- Ella Fitzgerald ft. Louis Armstrong

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Day 8 - 299 -- ... Something Wicked This Way Comes?

Temperatures are cooler again today. With the mild breeze it feels even colder. The storm brushing by our part of the continent brought heavy clouds and some light winds. Rain is expected overnight, but far less than predicted over the weekend. I went for a walk this afternoon in the light rain that really felt more like occasional drizzle. Not enough to make the ground fully wet even.  So, what we'd expected to be a nasty nor'easter, has been dialed back a lot. The anxiety that one feels knowing that a storm is brewing has been greatly reduced, too. However, the current forecast promises heavy rain in four more days. This is a usual October weather expectation, so that it waited longer to appear is fine with me. <smile> 

Since the wicked storm became something a bit more benign, I hunted for a happy song about rain. One from the dim distant past came to mind that I chose to share today. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Laughter in the Rain -- Neil Sedaka

Day 8 - 298 -- By the Pricking of my Thumbs ...

For much of the day we had bright sun that made the day feel warmer. My walk took me the dentist to arrange for a quick check on the new caps. It turned out there had been a cancellation so I was able to see him right away. A tiny bit of polishing of one tooth surface eliminated the sharp corner and the gritty feeling when the upper and lower incisors met. The bill from what insurance didn't pay was also cleared up. One invoice had since been paid by insurance and the other one had been partially paid, so my portion was much less than I'd walked in thinking I would pay today. <smile> The whole thing -- which began January 10, 2020 -- is now over. It took much longer than originally planned due to the pandemic lockdowns. Nice to see that over after 21 months or so. 

Weather in the US north east left many without power and with flooding rains. Parts of the province are to get some of that tomorrow. Our area was originally expected to get a couple of inches of rain with strong winds. Since the storm is tracking further out to sea, here we will get far less rain and weaker winds. Even though leaves are falling, many trees still have a lot of foliage that can add to the loft potential. So, while we expect something messier than today, it may remain manageable. In situations such as these, I tend to subscribe to the weather as carried in a town weekly newspaper where I worked years ago. They were 100% accurate since the weather column reported what had occurred in the past week. <smile> Forecasts can be off, particularly when predicting things more than 24 hours out. So -- I prepare for something and wait until it arrives to see how close to the prediction things turn out to be. <smile> 

I chose to re-share the song that I used when I first damaged the teeth in a fall on the street. It makes me laugh. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Baby, Take You're Teeth Out -- Frank Zappa

Day 8 - 297 -- Cross-Species Communicating

It was cooler again today requiring thin gloves during the afternoon walk. That may be an indication of where we are heading, though I'm not sure I want to acknowledge that seasonal change. Whether I do or not, the change will come. 

On my walk I met a dog. As a dog and owner turned onto the sidewalk in front of me, the dog looked me in the eye and then turned back to walk with person, only to stop and turn back to look at me again. The dog then walked over to me when I greeted it -- and the walker let out the lead a bit more. When we finished our short greeting, I looked up at the person who was grinning. I noticed then that I was, too. As I walked along, ahead of them now, I realized that such meetings often come just when I need something cheery to steer me away from the glum thoughts filling my head. Animals have often shown up to greet me as I walk along deep in thought throughout my life. They appear like little angels out of nowhere, just when I require uplifting. 

Cool how a smile, even from an animal, can be contagious. A couple of lines from an old song came to mind with the day's ponderings. I chose a version by a famous female singer. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

When You're Smiling -- Billie Holiday


Sunday, 24 October 2021

Day 8 - 296 -- How Time Moves

Temperatures today cooled quickly. For my afternoon walk, I wore thin gloves for comfort. While walking and pondering the passage of time, several points came forth. This isn't the first time I've examined time and its many dimensions. Today it was the perception of how fast or slow time moves that occupied my mind. I'm acutely aware that there is more time behind me that in front of me. I also recall comments from my friend who lived to 100, who told me that time passed more quickly as we age and it doesn't stop speeding up. 

While walking I felt frustrated that I hadn't been with friends in particular social situations for some time. Now, my brain asked a very pointed question when I grumped this sentiment. I heard my mind ask, "but it really hasn't been that long, especially compared to all the isolation time." That got me adding up the days between engagements. Whatever part of the brain that brought this forth was more than correct. It has been just over a month, when during lockdowns and such it had been several months for some meetings and over 18 months for others. So -- why does this feel so long now? I am still working through that one. 

I've also rediscovered that when we do get together for visits that time goes more quickly when we'd like to savour every second -- especially after a lengthy break between gatherings. That, though will be a topic for another blog. <smile>

I had two songs come to mind today from decidedly different genres <smile> Hey, I'm nothing if not eclectic <grin>. I couldn't choose one, so I will share both. They each note aspects of time passing that fit with my thoughts today -- cherish and embrace every moment. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Fast -- Luke Bryan

Time -- Pink Floyd

Day 8 - 295 --Pandemic at Home

Much of the day my mind was occupied with the situation in my home province. The pandemic is wreaking havoc there, which appears to be due to relaxed public health guidance. ICUs are at the point of moving to stage two of triage -- making the choice of who receives critical care and who doesn't. The government asked for federal assistance from the armed forces, who will be sending critical care medical personnel and will provide air transport for people who need to be flown elsewhere for an ICU bed. This applies to three people daily being accepted by Ontario. Last week, in his pandemic update the chief medical officer broke down when he reported the modelling results if all things remain equal. It was predicted that by the New Year, ICU admissions would more than double. Given that the system is already beyond capacity, this sounds dire. Up to 20,000 surgeries and surgical procedures for non-COVID patients may be cancelled by the end of this year. The province currently has the highest COVID mortality rate and one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country. 

All of this is extremely scary, given the large number of family, friends and acquaintances I have living there. That is a lot of people with faces not just numbers that are at risk of contracting this disease. I lived and worked there for the first four decades of my life. I heard today that one household I know has had COVID enter their home.  It does bring tears. The song shared came to mind while wandering through the difficulties out west. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Doctor My Eyes -- Jackson Brown

Day 8 - 294 -- Frustration as Euphemism

I've pondered feelings of frustration this week. I hesitate to call it anger and moreso to use the term rage. That has made me think. Why do I feel the need to use a euphemism here? Why is it that women feel anger with similar frequency and intensity as men, yet we express it so much differently? We've learned from an early age that anger isn't feminine. How do we express it then? Shouting, screaming or fighting don't happen nearly as often as they do with men. We have been socialized to address things differently. So, women tend to use passive-aggressive techniques like sulking, speaking malicious gossip, and acting like those mean girls in high school. Paradoxical non-verbal cues are used to soften some of the words spoken -- like smiling while saying something that is likely to hurt the recipient. And, while women tend to be less aggressive than men, they also talk about anger more. This oral processing helps to work through the anger in a more productive manner. 

Many emotions can lead to anger -- betrayal, fear, frustration, sadness, worry, and loss to name just a few. Needless to say living in the times we do results in more than enough of these emotions. It is surprising that that not everyone is seething with rage -- though many are. Some people show it clearly on their faces and body posture. Others have learned to swallow it all and present a disguise to the rest of the world. Unfairness abounds and this creates that frustration in me often. Sometimes I feel cheated but most often I see how others have been treated unfairly. There are days when it just bubbles up to a full rolling boil (to use a cooking metaphor <smile>). We can learn from such episodes, but we do have to find a way to release those feelings without hurting ourselves or others. I know people who pour this into making music or art. I write here as a way of processing myriad feelings and experiences and when that doesn't do it, I go for a walk. I hope you find something that works well for you. 

I share a song with some lyrics that spoke to me when pondering this all. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Have Seen the Rain -- Pink & Jim Moore


Thursday, 21 October 2021

Day 8 - 293 -- Moving Walls

It was a wonderful sunny day. The light was a great golden shade that made the leaves and air look stunning. While out on a short walk to get some milk, I saw an interesting group of clouds that looked like lenticular formations but long and narrow rather than saucer shaped. They were softer looking than most stratus clouds. They were mesmerizing. Once home again, I made spiced apple sauce and sampled it with French toast -- breakfast for supper today <smile>. 

I've begun to think about things in the future -- near and far. It took time to to build walls around me -- to protect me from the disappointments of the world of late. As things begin to ease, I find myself thinking of traveling, eating in a restaurant and visiting with friends over dinner or a glass of wine. Trying to put these thoughts into action involves a lot of trepidation. Am I ready to head back into the world? If I make plans that somehow don't come to fruition how will I manage that? Can I take on more grief on top of what has been heaped upon us all in the past months? I wonder if I am strong enough to deal with such disappointments again. Some days I feel broken by the pandemic and all of life that it stopped. Yet, on other days, hope prevails. It is going to be challenging as we adapt to a new way of living day to day, one that combines pre- and post-pandemic strategies. It won't be the same, but it can still be good. <smile> 

I guess what this all means is that the armour or wall around me will need to be dismantled. It will take time, effort and courage. It can happen, though. The song shared today uses the wall metaphor and notes that these can be removed. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Wall -- Bon Jovi

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Day 8 - 292 -- Stuck in the Wilds

Today was a processing day. The concept of liminal space returned after some time. The definition of such space is a place that gets you from point A to point B -- think stair wells, highways, etc. On a more sociological note, it represents the hinterland between one place and another, generally dealing with identity -- like where one ends up after graduation, job change, or altered social role (spouse, parent, retiree). It is a concept that helps explain life to me. 

Our brains adapted during lockdowns trying to manage the threat of this virus, pushing the former routine skills sets (small talk, vocabulary, daily routines, etc.) deeper into memory so new daily coping skills could fit where easily found. At some point, the lack of easily accessing former skills and knowledge used almost daily pushed some of us into a huge liminal space -- back into the uncharted territory between where we were and where we will be. I visualize this as a space that is not easy to navigate -- huge boulders, ravines and rushing rivers to get past without anything to fashion into a transportation aid. In short, we are lost.  And even though there are many of us in a liminal space, we are not together, but alone in the journey. The vaccines gave me tickets for a bus ride out of this weird space, but I still need to find the bus stop. I hear of others who have found it and are now waiting on the bus. Some may have even caught an earlier bus -- though it is unclear whether they actually might have wandered back into the wilderness in error or been forced back by some nasty yelling anxiety creature. Waiting is difficult and that provides a crack through which anxiety can enter and take over thought processes. Liminal spaces often become frightening since we usually aren't stuck in them for long periods of time as we have been over the past many months. Now, there are cheerleaders in the distance that we can hear at times -- those who recognize anxiety and can help you push it out of the way -- at least briefly. That helps. Keeping positive and moving through the journey across this space takes a lot of energy. It requires work to move into an uncomfortable place to get closer to the destination. Sometimes being frozen in place seems easier, but it doesn't get us anywhere we think we are headed.  

This sort of space is isolating. People can feel that they are the only ones in this situation. They aren't. Being reminded of this can help people get back into the journey instead of sitting alone and scared. It can provide some hope and normalcy in the midst of all the chaos. The lyrics that came to mind today deal with the journey, though with a more violent metaphor of fighting or battling. The repetition of the title phrase and the frenetic tempo, reminds me of the stress of feeling lost in the hinterlands. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Break on Through -- The Doors

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Day 8 - 291 -- Lost Self

A mix of sun and cloud today as I made several small trips around town to do errands and go to appointments. I treated myself to a take out lunch between meetings, which felt good. 

Lately I've realized that the researcher part of me has been hidden over the past many months. Anxiety has gotten in the way of me getting back into the groove. I've missed this terribly as research is a large part of my identity. I planned to ease into retirement while completing a couple of larger writing projects. Instead, retirement turned into isolation. Travel to gather further bits of information to complete the history story I've been putting together became impossible. I find brief flashes of of the passion when doing peer reviews or listening to research presentations. So, I know it is still there. I just need to find a way to fan the spark back into a flame. Apparently I am not alone in having lost focus and motivation during the pandemic. This has been particularly difficult when not being part of a daily work routine. I use to go to my research office two to three times each week. That became much less frequent after losing the rhythm when campus closed last year for several months. 

Lyrics of the song shared today could be directed towards anxiety -- just to loosen its grip. It will take some work, but things will improve. Just need a few courageous steps to head back into that part of me. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Let Me Be Myself -- 3 Doors Down

Monday, 18 October 2021

Day 8 - 290 -- Stunning Foliage

 Another week begins. My outings of the day were to pick up groceries and to chat with a town Councillor about the plants for the graveyard out behind my yard. The fence is planned to go up this month. It will be made of wood and 5-6 feet high -- if the town council approves the idea and budget. The wood will go on two sides of the graveyard, with wrought iron going on the other two sides. The hope is to reduce foot traffic through there and the properties all around the place. It should also discourage use of it for folks to walk their dogs (and fail to clean up after them often)  -- and all the assorted strangeness that has occurred there over the years. People can be rather strange, can't they? <smile> The next set of headstones might be placed this month, too, depending on the weather. If not, they will wait until spring. There are 40 to go up and will be done in 3 to 4 batches. It will look much better than it has and be a proper cemetery. 

When bringing groceries into the house, I realized the number of amazing colours on the ground in the front yard. Back yard trees are still mainly greet, but the front has turned wonderful shades of gold, orange, red and the most ridiculous pink shades. They punctuate the greyness of fall days so well. this is the one thing that makes the weather changes a bit bearable. I still want it to be followed directly by spring, though <grin>. 

The song chosen for tonight is about as ridiculous as the pinkish foliage. I liked it for its way of documenting the days -- somewhat like I do here. It isn't one of the bands best, but it is there nonetheless. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Autumn Almanac -- The Kinks

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Day 8 - 289 -- Ready, Set, Plan!

It feels like I did very little today. I ordered a few things online that I can't find locally. The last two loads of laundry were finished in the afternoon. I did start a book that I am reviewing for a professional newsletter, but covered only a few pages. The topic is interesting to me so I hope that I can complete this reading with steady daily doses. There is a deadline for that one, so it will become more of a priority as time marches forward <smile>. the main theme deals with food short falls during World War I. 

Store shelves have been empty before during the pandemic. More prevalent shortages have been encountered at grocery stores, pet stores as well as the larger home items that have been in short supply for some time. Global supply chains have become clogged more recently for a number of reasons. I've heard news media telling people to shop now for the holidays as shortages are expected too increase and shipping may be challenging due to fewer truck drivers available. In a commercial world, interruptions to online or in store shopping might create emotional stress for many people. This may be a year for home made gifts -- crafts or food items and such. I may resort to cookbooks from WWII with recipes that dealt with the short fall in food supplies that led to rationing. It will all take a bit more planning than 'usual'. 

Running on Empty - Jackson Browne

Saturday, 16 October 2021

Day 8 - 288 -- Food Security

Today is World Food Day, celebrated October 16 each year. For 2021, messaging revolves around how our actions become our future. Check out the FAO WFD website for highlights of Food Heroes from around the world -- individuals who work to bring cultural, affordable foods to people and to reduce hunger. 

When pondering food security in the world, we often thing of food that is sustainable and accessible -- financially available; found where we are; culturally appropriate. Food deserts occur when little to no food is available in a community whether a small town or neighbourhood in a city. Transportation is required to get to another area in order to purchase food from a bedega, large grocery store or fast food restaurant. Affordability creates food access difficulties for about 3 billion people across the globe-- and yes, this is in our our own neighbourhoods and not just in some far off country.    About 1/3 of food is  produced by small scale farmers despite difficulties with access to technology, finances, and getting paid far less than what they need to break even -- in all countries -- all while some corporate entities make obscene profits. The agri-food sector employs large portions of  the populace -- many paid minimal wages with few benefits. 

How can we do anything to help with this global situation? In the words of Ghandi, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Every time we choose a food to eat, we make a statement of what kind of world we want to live in. We should focus on less  processed foods for health reasons -- our health and environmental health. Less packaging waste means less for landfills and  pollution even if we can compost or recycle parts of it. Choose foods grown closer to home. This local factor will reduce transportation costs and will support micro-enterprises in your own community.  Support local community gardens. Advocate for food plants to be grown with flowering planats around public buildings.We do this in my town along Main Street and around the town library. Anyone can harvest what they can use or tend the plants as they grow. A big focus is to choose a more plant-based diet. Add more vegetables, fruit, and plant proteins to the meal rotation at home or from restaurants. Begin with one meatless meal weekly and then add a few more. Lots of great recipes sites exist out there to help support us make such small daily changes. Supper here was a great tofu stir-fry. <smile> 

Settling on a song today took me some time. Many have a line or two here and there that somewhat fit the day. I did manage to choose one song for its title and the core values of assisting others and making the world a better place. The theme behind the song had begun before the pandemic, though the lyrics reflect much of the challenges of the past many months. The artist has started three restaurants that provide people with culinary skills for future jobs. Customers pay for meals or do some volunteer work in exchange for a meal voucher. People are seated with others they may not know from the neighbourhood. It is truly a community building project that addresses hunger and poverty. For that reason it fits. The pandemic related lyrics and visuals also fit, since food distribution to those sheltering in place became paramount. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Do What You Can -- Jon Bon Jovi & Jennifer Nettles

Friday, 15 October 2021

Day 8 - 287 -- Changes - slow & faster

For a fall Friday, the weather seemed positive. Bits of sun appeared amongst the numerous clouds. The air felt a bit humid but with temps in the mid-teens it was not too uncomfortable. I headed out to campus to drop off a few things for internal mail and getting something into the system at the post office. One huge maple tree in the front yard has turned mostly gold with orange and red sections in the canopy and branch ends. All that happened in the past 2-3 days! Huge changes done quickly. 

This afternoon I attended the first Pepin Lecture of the year from Boston University (virtually, of course <smile>). The speaker, Rachel Black, did a superb job presenting findings from her recent book (to be released in the next day or two from U Illinois press) -- Cheffes de Cuisine -- Women and work in the professional French kitchen. She looked at things from an historical point of view and then spoke with current women in restaurants. Her goal was to understand gender inequity int French kitchens. A glimpse into the contents of the book left me planning to purchase this one. It got me thinking of professionalization of women and structural impediments across disciplines. I have presented and written on parts of this within my own profession. She used the term "cheffes" which had been coined by feminist culinary journalists and writers to undo the erasure of gender in the profession. While the term is not embraced by all women professionals, it does point to the successful businesses run by women. These are huge changes that are taking longer to develop. 

A song about being yourself in any situation seemed to fit the discussions from the lecture today. It is by a group from home. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Change -- Wide Mouth Mason


Day 8 - 286 -- Searching

It rained a lot overnight and remained dark and cloudy all day today. I went for a short walk to pick up bread and muffins. I had a great online chat with a friend. We always seem to find things to laugh about. <smile> I then watched a movie I had recorded a while ago. That felt good -- a bit relaxing.

An item I've been looking for on the store shelf has not been available for the past week or two. I may need to order a case online so that we have enough to feed the furry dude. The company system won't recognize that I have an account with the company, so I will call them tomorrow to find out why it won't recognize me when I want to order but it does when I buy something in person. <sigh> If all else fails, I will just get the case without the case lot discount. <sigh>  I understand that some things won't show up on shelves due to the supply chain issues being experienced in many sectors. This may be one of them, though a smaller size can is available in store -- just costs twice as much as the larger can <shaking head>  It all appears to be available online, so hopefully I can get the account stuff sorted tomorrow. 

A song line came to mind as I was pondering my plight. Now the theme of this song has a decidedly different story line, but the title and chorus lines reflect my shopping experience. <grin> Just look at these fresh young faces in the video. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

I still haven't found what I'm looking for -- U2 

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Day 8 - 285 -- Fun Evening

The day began with some sunshine but clouds took over into the afternoon. By evening, there was light rain which turned to heavier rain at times into the late evening. It felt warm and humid during the day. I was out for a quick shopping trip getting all but one needed item. I may have to resort to an online order tomorrow. A good friend dropped by tonight. We had a great visit. It was a good chat over wine and cheese. It has been a long time since we sat like this at my place. It felt good to do something semi-normal. 

A singer-songwriter celebrates his 80th birthday today. Choosing a song wasn't easy; there are so many great ones. This one just seemed right for today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Late in the Evening -- Paul Simon

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Day 8 - 284 -- Dreaded 'to do' List

For the middle of October, today was a great day -- really sunny and warm day (22C/72F). I went for a walk after a virtual meeting and did two quick errands along the way. Trees remain mostly green with some yellow and reddish bits starting to make an appearance. Some leaves are dropping but not in huge quantities yet. 

My 'to do' list is taking over again. I haven't gotten to several smaller things that need to happen before the bigger things. I just need to make some calls and organize some emails. I'm not sure what is getting in the way, but things do move even if slowly. I'm thinking of adding one item per day from the list so that something gets accomplished. If by some miracle more than one thing gets tackled, great. But getting one thing done at a time will be a good start. On my walk today, I did two things plus a short walk, so it was an exceptional day. <smile> 

Days are different and shouldn't be compared with each other. There will be good and less good days; sometimes even good and less good times of day. Beating ourselves up over the less productive days won't help us get to the blasted list. We need to learn to roll with it all. A great song says this much better than I can. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Some Days are Better than Others -- U2

Day 8 - 283 -- Being Thankful

Today is Thanksgiving Monday in Canada. Most people I know have the dinner on Sunday. That leaves time for family to travel to and from a gathering spot. Again this year, many areas are limited to small gatherings from one or two households only. I met with three friends yesterday for a fun dinner filled with great foods -- turkey )of course) with fresh cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turnip puff, red cabbage salad, and fresh rolls. A pinot noir accompanied the meal and we finished with a wonderful pumpkin pie.

Before dinner we sat chatting and each noted three things for which we are thankful. We covered a lot of ground -- health, regional pandemic management, friends, family, economy (jobs, pension plans), and the great fall weather we've been having this year. My three things included:

    -- While not perfect, our health care system allows us to access services without co-payments. Our taxes fund the systems provincially and some extra health insurance covers prescription drug cost, dental care and vision care, otherwise these are paid by individuals. Pharmacare exists for those over 65 in most parts of the nation. 

    -- Music gets me through a lot and is part of this daily blog, too. I have known musicians throughout my life. Growing up, my dad played saxophone, my brother played guitar and saxophone, and I played piano. I sang in choirs -- an alto who sang baritone <smile>. I have friends who belong(ed) to bands, orchestras, and played solo. Music is soothing and can help express myriad emotions. 

    -- I've been told that I have friends who are 'golden' -- definite keepers. <smile> I am in full agreement. Having people available to share ups and downs and all the in-betweens is amazing. When I need assistance with something at home or company when traveling to a medical appointment, friends make all the difference n the world. Visiting with them in person is fantastic, but virtual meetings feel great, too. We are lucky to have access to that technology for sure. And, I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the comfort of a furry companion. They help with finding calm on stressful days, bring moments of laughter and teach me to see the world a bit differently. 

I hope everyone celebrating this weekend took a few moments to reflect on all that they have to be thankful for. Noting three things is a good exercise -- I will even do this on days when I feel overwhelmed by negative emotions. It does show me that not everything that day was 'bad'. A song stuck in my head after hearing it a couple of days ago. The lyrics deal with one of my three points. So, I will get this melody stuck in your heads now. <smile> I like this cover version for the clarity of the vocals. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Thank you for the Music -- Amanda Seyfried




Monday, 11 October 2021

Day 8 - 282 -- World Mental Health Day

A sunny start to the day occurred after the lowest overnight temperature in months. It remained above freezing but only by a couple of degrees. I spent the day finishing laundry and  doing some cooking for the dinner out with friends tonight.  

Today is World Mental Health Day sponsored by WHO. The theme this year deals with advocacy for necessary levels of quality care for mental health services. The pandemic has affected mental health of people around the world. Some have encountered issues for the first time, while others with pre-existing conditions have seen things worsen. At present, there is major need everywhere to increase the number of care givers and services to meet the increased need. Good news has come in the form of recognition by world governments in May 2021 of this need for increasing mental health care. It is on their radar and some areas are working on new ways to provide this care. Several online programs have been expanded and secure platforms for distance or virtual services have grown. So, the message isn't all bad. As people begin to accept this as part of general medical services, then greater demand will occur. By starting to scale up care now, services will begin to be available for all who need them.

Many songs deal with various symptoms of mental illness. I chose one that dealt with the work needed to deal with such symptoms -- not impossible, but finding that focus. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

It Don't Come Easy -- George Harrison

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Day 8 - 281 -- Finding Peace

The weekend began with sun and occasional clouds and ended with mainly clouds and tiny bits of sunshine. I headed out for a quick errand to get a turnip for dinner tomorrow. The store was fairly busy, but not totally crazy. The pet store had no food on the shelf for the type I went to purchase. Maybe next week. Another store had a huge lineup to checkout, so I chose to go back another day. Seems everyone is getting the last minute things needed for the Thanksgiving dinner this weekend. I should have tried to get out before lunch, but was running around the house doing small chores first. I could have planned better, I guess. <smile> 

This weekend feels more fall like outside. It is cooler and there is a frost warning tonight. Most likely this will be a harder frost than the one in the past week. Gardens should be covered or harvested. This is the first of many to come as we move through this transition season. 

On this day 81 years ago, John Lennon was born. I can't imagine a world that he wasn't part of -- then and now. The selection today helped bring a moment of peace to the day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Imagine -- John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band

Friday, 8 October 2021

Day 8 - 280 -- Keeping Connected

The sky was blue with cloudy periods. Temperatures were still cool and it was fairly windy overnight and into the day.  I did get out of the house when I had to head up to campus to see IT folks. It was great to go for the walk from parking lot to library to my mail slot in the office and then head back home.

We recently moved to multi-factor authentication. I had set it up for phone and text. Since then, there are two new ways that might work well when not at home or on campus as well as when out of town (hey, I can dream, right? <grin>). One was a hardware token -- which I assumed was something sent to me via a message of some sort, when it is actually a small device that will generate a code to let me log into the system when off campus. There is also a new app to help with authentication. We installed that one on the phone. The 15 minute appointment, for which I arrived 5 minutes early, took about an hour to complete. The token was easily explained, but couldn't be tested. The app took some maneuvering to install. We did get to test that one finally. So, I guess I'm good to go and can keep in touch when away -- with options even <smile>. 

Technology can often create extreme stress and frustration but today we wrestled it to the ground. That felt good. <grin> I will keep a positive thought that of the four options one of them will have to work to keep me connected when away. The title of a song came to mind -- a very quirky thought today <grin>. I had been thinking that I should be connected to the great wide wonderful world now no matter what. These words entered my thoughts and made me laugh out loud. Now they are for you. <giggle>.  

Don't Stop Me Now -- Queen

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Day 8 - 279 -- In-Person

Today was even more amazing than yesterday with sunny and warmer temperatures. I went for a delightful walk with a dear friend where we stopped at the park for a chat and a cup of tea. What a glorious day weather wise and it was fantastic to get to see each other in person for a change rather than online. Don't get me wrong here. Virtual meetings have kept me sane during the pandemic. Seeing folks in person though, feels so much better. I smile a lot more. I have tears of happiness for seeing friends 'for real'. I understand how much we may have taken for granted before we were told we couldn't visit in person. 

I have questioned the use of 'essential' for trips to see loved ones. It has been made clear that 'essential' often means essential to the economy and not essential to the mental health of the populace. I don't mean we should run around willy-nilly without taking precautions to minimize transmission of the virus. It seems that we should be able to take guarded trips to visit -- whether for tea, dinner or a few days together. Such meetings are good for the heart and so needed for the soul. They remind us of what is important in life. Caring for others and ourselves is paramount to good physical and emotional well being.  Dealing with the pandemic has added stress to daily living, and with it stressed our overall health. I'm working at getting back into my daily walks -- even if they are short some days. These help me to reduce stress. Seeing others in small careful visits will be part of my learning to deal with the new health risks presented by this virus. 

A song I played often as a youth came to mind today. It fit the need for a new type of freedom that I felt as I pondered things this afternoon. It may be perfect for a road trip song. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Born to be Wild -- Steppenwolf


Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Day 8 - 278 -- Colours and Dreams

Today was another sunny, warmish fall day. The quality of the light is different now -- more yellow tones present. I was able to enjoy the sun when out for a short walk to do an errand and then while I was doing the grocery shopping at the two stores in town. The lack of wind made the warmth of the sun delightful.  tomorrow is to be similar to today in temperature. I have a walk with a friend planned to enjoy this weather as we can.  

Leaves have just begun to turn here. The Thanksgiving weekend is generally close to peak colour viewing. Things are a couple of weeks behind. I expect the leaves in my yard will be later dropping, too. I like this, as long as the wintery weather doesn't arrive until a couple of weeks later, too. Otherwise, we are unlikely to get them all raked and removed. Believe me, shoveling snow with a layer of frozen leaves underneath is wicked hard. I also hope that leaves will be visible for a while and that no major wind storms interfere with enjoying the colours. The variety of reds and pinks is amazing. I often have wished that I could get material woven in the colours and pattern of the forest just outside of town during peak colour time. I would use it to upholster the love seat and chair in the living room. I've spoken to weavers who assure me this would be nearly impossible given the variety of thread shades necessary. But, hey, I can dream, right? <smile>

I thought of a song about dreams -- one I've used here before a few times. I love the album cover art for this one -- shows dream state in a visual way. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The River of Dreams -- Billy Joel

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Day 8 - 277 -- Energy Boost

Today was a lovely early autumn day -- sunny and warm (low 20s Celsius/low 70s F) with no wind or clouds. After an online meeting I headed out for a walk. I stopped at the library to print my proof of vaccine as a full page and a scaled down  wallet card version that was laminated. For several non-essential activities, this QR code and a piece of identification will be required as of yesterday. In the evening I had a board of editors meeting for a major journal. This showed clear improvement in metrics looking at readership and citations of published articles over the past couple of years. Good to know that my work as a reviewer plays a teeny, tiny role in this process. 

The migraine is leaving. Just a few diminished symptoms remain. I especially like the reduction in major fatigue. That helped me to walk a reasonable distance this afternoon. Getting through most of the list for the day felt good, even with the unplanned nap in the early evening. A repeated line from a chorus stuck in my head -- one that matched how I felt today compared to the past few days. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Unstoppable -- Sia

Monday, 4 October 2021

Day 8 - 276 -- Where is Everyone?

The weather for the beginning of this week brought sunny periods and cooler fall temperatures.  On the down side, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp went down today globally. I complain at times and spend far less time with social media than I used to do, but I do like these for communication. They are much quicker and less cumbersome than e-mail. I think that may be why it feels so odd to me today. I use Messenger a lot as it is almost instant delivery and one can see if someone is currently active or not. E-mail gives no such information. Messenger may be more like actually seeing someone and knowing they are there whereas e-mail holds no such reassuring communication keys -- sort of like a type of body language without actually seeing the person. With social media we can see digital bits of information and hear the notification sounds when they respond. It is a unique combination of written and (virtual) verbal communication formats. 

Now why does it seem somewhat stressful to be unable to use the platforms affected? For many people, I don't have e-mail addresses and can only find them in social media. For a few others I do have mailing addresses for letters and for a lesser number I have phone numbers. Without the social media that I've come to rely on to keep in touch with those dear to me, I feel a major distance between them and me today. It brings a vague sense of anxiety that I'm unable to contact them -- Now! <smile> For the past 19 months or so, social media have been the lifeline to the big scary outside world. Not being able to type conversations in real time feels unbearable. <sigh>.

After a walk in the cool fall evening, I managed to regain composure. <smile>  I also saw that Messenger was sending messages. Whether they get through to the other end is unsure. I got a login page for another platform, but still couldn't login. This is progress of sorts as even that login page was not available earlier in the day. <grin> A song came to mind that spoke about being far apart, but seeing the same sky. It seemed to say what I'd been feeling today -- we will find each other out there in cyberspace. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Somewhere Out There -- Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Day 8 - 275 -- Heat and Hurt

A cooler day followed the single digit lows overnight. The time for an extra quilt or blanket has arrived. I'm not ready to put the full duvet on the bed yet, but a slightly heavier quilt or blanket will do the job for now. A recent social media conversation with friends and family discussed when to turn the heat on in the house. Most people hold out for as long as possible. I understand this desire. and do wait as long as I can. It begins with heating the bathroom when having a shower or bath. I have baseboard electric heaters so each room is independently controlled. The first room to be heated is the bathroom before a shower or bath. Other rooms wait for a bit. Sunny days help heat the house, but October holds many cloudy days, so I can't depend on solar loading.  

The migraine is still present. The fatigue and soreness can be challenging. I dislike the fogginess of thought and the fatigue that makes doing planned activities unlikely. Things generally last for 3-7 days, so we are close to the lower end of this, so perhaps symptoms will begin to dissipate in the coming few days. So -- the needed vacuuming and floor washing isn't getting done this weekend. Neither is cooking getting done as planned, particularly due to a combination of fatigue and nausea. I did make a better breakfast today than yesterday, which could be a good sign. We'll see. <smile> 

Pondering solutions to the headache and keeping warm I thought of dancing. Sadly, the fatigue makes that a bit of a challenge. If it was a bit slower, I might manage a bit <smile>. I found a song that I've heard many artists cover and this one felt a slight bit slower than others. It also has great guitar work from a stellar artist. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dancing in the Street -- Van Halen 

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Day 8 - 274 -- Competing Gatherings

Saturday began with homecoming ridiculousness that woke me up earlier in the morning than I had planned to rise. The carrying on ramped up throughout the day. One very early gathering is at the cross street behind me and two smaller, though no less boisterous groups began across the street. Dueling music is frustrating and the the volume is absurd. Not a good day to have a migraine, eh? Earplugs are an absolute must, but the don't fully block the louder aspects of the music. They do hurt my ears after a while though <grump>. 

Some of the gatherings were shut down into the evening and others began. I've often wondered why student undergraduate students participate in huge parties when they actually haven't 'left' yet? It also frustrates me that first responders have to be on full alert with extra staff just because of the raucous behaviour. Here's hoping that things settle down before bedtime and that tomorrow is a quiet day. 

I will admit to feeling a bit curmudgeonly today. Feeling yucky didn't help, but I've also lived with this for years and it only seems to become worse with each iteration of silliness. A title line and chorus lyric ran through my head often today. It made me almost smile. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!

Don't Do Me Like That -- Tom Petty

Friday, 1 October 2021

Day 8 - 273 -- Missing Interactions

Highlights of  today included sunshine for a change, even if temperatures were a bit cooler. It was great to see the brightness of the day accentuating the greenery and the early colour changes. Technology cooperated well for the guest lecture. Sharing capabilities were managed so that I could monitor the chat box while advancing my slides -- two very useful things in virtual classrooms. <smile>  

I enjoy lecturing -- though that may not be the best word for what I miss the most about this process. I loved being in a classroom with all the students and experiencing the energy that came from them that kept me going. Not seeing faces during a presentation can be challenging at best. I have no indicators of interest, confusion, or comprehension. Without the live component, all that is communicated through body language is lost. Also, the word lecture may not be what I'd like to call what I did for 20 years. To me, being in the classroom involved true two-way communication. We all spoke, nodded, looked quizzical, or leaned in to focus on part of the larger conversations. This, too, is lost in virtual gatherings. All that said, I still enjoy presenting ideas, asking questions and answering questions. The latter bring many great ideas and concepts to the conversation and show the synthesis of knowledge from many other sources to the topic at hand. While we may have difficulties with virtual learning, learning does occur. The positive outcome from the pandemic may be that greater options exist for people to attend post-secondary education from a distance, since not all people who want to attend can move to be closer to a campus. 

Part of a song lyric seemed to fit what I miss well. While I was retired before the changes of the pandemic and I did miss the regular interactions in classrooms, I did know that guest lectures would occur where I could be with a group of people to think and talk. I still enjoy the remote communications, they pale in comparison to the real thing -- whether with groups or with individuals. This song deals with getting back to basics -- all those things we may have taken for granted and miss dearly now. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Six Feet Apart -- Luke Combs



Day 8 - 272 -- Virtual Platform Struggles

The day was dominated by struggles with a virtual platform used for classroom management and distance lectures. This is one of close to two dozen platforms used in the past 19 months. They all do similar things but with different bells and whistles attached. Difficulties arose when running a pre-test for the guest lecture I do tomorrow. Sharing my slides could be done in several different ways. I could get them to show on the screens of others but then could not see the chat feature which is where student questions and comments appear. Different options exist for working around this difficulty -- such as having someone monitor the chat from their screen and speak to me when a message arrives. It is doable, just not as smooth as we'd like it to be. A second test will occur tomorrow if a different way to share screens and files comes to light. 

In the meantime, I had a weekly chat with a good friend and had dinner out at another friend's home. This turned out to be a belated birthday dinner. Wonderful! We had seafood chowder with fresh rolls and a great mixed green salad. For dessert there was apple crisp (my favourite) served with butter pecan ice cream. There was also a wonderful rich cab to compliment the meal. I walked home since there was no breeze and air was feeling pleasant and a bit drier after all the rain of the past three days. That walk was calming, as most are, but tonight the town sounded quieter than usual. Stars were not very visible as cloud cover still exists but with some breaks so that the sky is partially visible. I do enjoy looking at what is up in the sky. Hopefully in the next few days, we will have a clear sky to gaze at. 

Given the stressful interactions with the software program today, a song about technology seemed appropriate. This one speaks to varying aspects of virtual communications. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Virtuality - Rush