Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Day 8 - 291 -- Lost Self

A mix of sun and cloud today as I made several small trips around town to do errands and go to appointments. I treated myself to a take out lunch between meetings, which felt good. 

Lately I've realized that the researcher part of me has been hidden over the past many months. Anxiety has gotten in the way of me getting back into the groove. I've missed this terribly as research is a large part of my identity. I planned to ease into retirement while completing a couple of larger writing projects. Instead, retirement turned into isolation. Travel to gather further bits of information to complete the history story I've been putting together became impossible. I find brief flashes of of the passion when doing peer reviews or listening to research presentations. So, I know it is still there. I just need to find a way to fan the spark back into a flame. Apparently I am not alone in having lost focus and motivation during the pandemic. This has been particularly difficult when not being part of a daily work routine. I use to go to my research office two to three times each week. That became much less frequent after losing the rhythm when campus closed last year for several months. 

Lyrics of the song shared today could be directed towards anxiety -- just to loosen its grip. It will take some work, but things will improve. Just need a few courageous steps to head back into that part of me. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Let Me Be Myself -- 3 Doors Down

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