The weather for the beginning of this week brought sunny periods and cooler fall temperatures. On the down side, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp went down today globally. I complain at times and spend far less time with social media than I used to do, but I do like these for communication. They are much quicker and less cumbersome than e-mail. I think that may be why it feels so odd to me today. I use Messenger a lot as it is almost instant delivery and one can see if someone is currently active or not. E-mail gives no such information. Messenger may be more like actually seeing someone and knowing they are there whereas e-mail holds no such reassuring communication keys -- sort of like a type of body language without actually seeing the person. With social media we can see digital bits of information and hear the notification sounds when they respond. It is a unique combination of written and (virtual) verbal communication formats.
Now why does it seem somewhat stressful to be unable to use the platforms affected? For many people, I don't have e-mail addresses and can only find them in social media. For a few others I do have mailing addresses for letters and for a lesser number I have phone numbers. Without the social media that I've come to rely on to keep in touch with those dear to me, I feel a major distance between them and me today. It brings a vague sense of anxiety that I'm unable to contact them -- Now! <smile> For the past 19 months or so, social media have been the lifeline to the big scary outside world. Not being able to type conversations in real time feels unbearable. <sigh>.
After a walk in the cool fall evening, I managed to regain composure. <smile> I also saw that Messenger was sending messages. Whether they get through to the other end is unsure. I got a login page for another platform, but still couldn't login. This is progress of sorts as even that login page was not available earlier in the day. <grin> A song came to mind that spoke about being far apart, but seeing the same sky. It seemed to say what I'd been feeling today -- we will find each other out there in cyberspace. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Somewhere Out There -- Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram
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