Monday, 11 October 2021

Day 8 - 282 -- World Mental Health Day

A sunny start to the day occurred after the lowest overnight temperature in months. It remained above freezing but only by a couple of degrees. I spent the day finishing laundry and  doing some cooking for the dinner out with friends tonight.  

Today is World Mental Health Day sponsored by WHO. The theme this year deals with advocacy for necessary levels of quality care for mental health services. The pandemic has affected mental health of people around the world. Some have encountered issues for the first time, while others with pre-existing conditions have seen things worsen. At present, there is major need everywhere to increase the number of care givers and services to meet the increased need. Good news has come in the form of recognition by world governments in May 2021 of this need for increasing mental health care. It is on their radar and some areas are working on new ways to provide this care. Several online programs have been expanded and secure platforms for distance or virtual services have grown. So, the message isn't all bad. As people begin to accept this as part of general medical services, then greater demand will occur. By starting to scale up care now, services will begin to be available for all who need them.

Many songs deal with various symptoms of mental illness. I chose one that dealt with the work needed to deal with such symptoms -- not impossible, but finding that focus. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

It Don't Come Easy -- George Harrison

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