Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Day 8 - 284 -- Dreaded 'to do' List

For the middle of October, today was a great day -- really sunny and warm day (22C/72F). I went for a walk after a virtual meeting and did two quick errands along the way. Trees remain mostly green with some yellow and reddish bits starting to make an appearance. Some leaves are dropping but not in huge quantities yet. 

My 'to do' list is taking over again. I haven't gotten to several smaller things that need to happen before the bigger things. I just need to make some calls and organize some emails. I'm not sure what is getting in the way, but things do move even if slowly. I'm thinking of adding one item per day from the list so that something gets accomplished. If by some miracle more than one thing gets tackled, great. But getting one thing done at a time will be a good start. On my walk today, I did two things plus a short walk, so it was an exceptional day. <smile> 

Days are different and shouldn't be compared with each other. There will be good and less good days; sometimes even good and less good times of day. Beating ourselves up over the less productive days won't help us get to the blasted list. We need to learn to roll with it all. A great song says this much better than I can. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Some Days are Better than Others -- U2

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