Sunday, 24 October 2021

Day 8 - 296 -- How Time Moves

Temperatures today cooled quickly. For my afternoon walk, I wore thin gloves for comfort. While walking and pondering the passage of time, several points came forth. This isn't the first time I've examined time and its many dimensions. Today it was the perception of how fast or slow time moves that occupied my mind. I'm acutely aware that there is more time behind me that in front of me. I also recall comments from my friend who lived to 100, who told me that time passed more quickly as we age and it doesn't stop speeding up. 

While walking I felt frustrated that I hadn't been with friends in particular social situations for some time. Now, my brain asked a very pointed question when I grumped this sentiment. I heard my mind ask, "but it really hasn't been that long, especially compared to all the isolation time." That got me adding up the days between engagements. Whatever part of the brain that brought this forth was more than correct. It has been just over a month, when during lockdowns and such it had been several months for some meetings and over 18 months for others. So -- why does this feel so long now? I am still working through that one. 

I've also rediscovered that when we do get together for visits that time goes more quickly when we'd like to savour every second -- especially after a lengthy break between gatherings. That, though will be a topic for another blog. <smile>

I had two songs come to mind today from decidedly different genres <smile> Hey, I'm nothing if not eclectic <grin>. I couldn't choose one, so I will share both. They each note aspects of time passing that fit with my thoughts today -- cherish and embrace every moment. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Fast -- Luke Bryan

Time -- Pink Floyd

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