Good news. The rain continued until about midday today. The ground is not soggy but the tree leaves were laden with water so drops and more fell to the ground most of the afternoon with every bit of air movement. We still need more and that may come later in the week. We'll see. Temperatures were cooler overnight, which helped cool the house a bit. That could get cooler, too, but the temperature forecast is for mega-heat again by end of the week. So, regular cooler nights are still not in the near future. I wore jeans outside for the first time in a long while. I felt comfortable until the cloud thinned a bit and heat from the sun warmed the wet air -- then it became uncomfortable.
I participated in a virtual meeting over a research paper. It is now my turn to work through parts of the whole. It has been a long while since I've done this type of writing. I've done editing, which really is what this current project is about. So, I hope things will go relatively smoothly, though editing one's own writing can be most challenging. I have another editorial paper review to complete, so I'll be occupied this month with these other ongoing tasks.
I find writing somewhat therapeutic and even cathartic depending on the topics. Some projects act more like work than enjoyment. These don't help with the feeling of accomplishment that often arrives when a project is moved along to the next level. For a large project, I like to write for several hours at a time. After this, I let it rest until the next day, read it aloud making any editorial notes along the way. Then, the writing process begins for another several hours. Editorial work and reviews are different. I do the first read through an article and then let it sit for a few days. When I come back to it, I already have ideas about which parts of the manuscript I want to address. I make notes and then let it sit again. Sometimes I encounter other ideas that I add. Then for the final process, I type up a report of sorts with my comments and suggested alterations. To be honest, this part always takes longer than I expect -- usually 4+ hours needed to complete.
I came across a song that fits my main project for the coming weeks. It brought a smile today. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Rewrite -- Paul Simon
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