Wednesday, 24 August 2022

9-234 (22/8/22) -- Walking Slowly

Before lunch, I walked out for milk. It humid and hot with unrelenting sun. On the way back home, the heel pain affected the knee joint today. It has been a few weeks since this pain last surfaced. It makes walking any distance very painful. The bursa on the lower inside area of the knee are inflamed, so the tendon there does not slide easily over those 'lubricating' parts. So, I have to walk slowly and with a decided limp. Needless to say this makes me grumpy <smile>. 

I love walking. It is the one exercise that takes me on errands or through the neighbourhood or down Main Street. Getting out among people and into nature is wonderful. I like to walk out to do the bank, drug stores or other businesses that are close by. I've always enjoyed walking, but usually only when it had a purpose in it. Since the lockdowns of the past two years, I learned to enjoy walking for walking's sake. It was the only way I could get myself out of the house (legally that is) unless I was going to the drug store (I had them deliver during the worst of the isolation), grocery store (did curbside pick up) or a medical appointment (these were mostly done by phone). 

I made a physio appointment for tomorrow, which should get me moving (no pun intended <grin>) in the right direction.  The selection for today has a great bluesy sound. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Slow Walk -- Bonnie Tyler

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