Business today included paying bills and looking into getting a new phone. It appears that only the premium plans were presented -- either that or there are no plans with smaller amounts of data for those of us who don't stream movies on the small screens of smart phones. <sigh> I refuse to spend that much money and told them that might be all it takes for me to move to a different carrier <sigh> Nothing online showed me other plans either. So, my next step will be to check with an agent online or by phone. Irritating. <sigh>
Rather that shouting at traffic and rolling my eyes rather loudly way too often, I chose to take a few moments today to think through the TGIF process presented by Brene Brown a couple of years back. Here's what I came to when pondering the four themes. I encourage others to do this, too. It helps one to find the positives in a day that feels more stressful than calm.
I Trust that air travel will get smoother in the near future.
I am Grateful for furry friends -- from the neighbourhood group but especially for the one I share the house with. They help me to laugh and to find moments of calm.
I am Inspired by friends who step into the discomfort and share rougher portions of their journeys.
For Fun, I will plan more outdoor meals with friends at our local restaurant patios.
While pondering today, I thought through a number of self care modes. A song came to mind that made me smile. It reminds me of friends from years back. It also fit with my thoughts of being kind to myself. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Handle with Care -- The Traveling Wilburys
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