Saturday, 27 August 2022

9-239 (27/8/22) -- Never Ending

Saturday again and with it comes the usual house chores -- some cleaning and laundry. I completed the latter and some of the former. I believe that cleaning never really ends. When one area is 'clean' and I move onto another sector, the first area begins to collect dust and such.  Even 30 minutes after cleaning the floors, invariably I find a dust bunny or clump of dust and fur just sitting in the middle of the floor taunting me. As a science based professional, I take this as concrete evidence of my thesis that the process continues ad infinitum. I dislike many cleaning tasks and thoughts like this can lead me to just ignore it all -- somewhat counterproductive, eh? 

I often find myself thinking of upgrades that could help with the cleaning process. A central vac would eliminate toting the heavy canister vac around the house. A cleaning service would be cool. I had one when I first arrived here, but the ladies retired a long time ago and finding a replacement has proven difficult. While day dreaming about these and other ways to find my way out of the mundane aspects of the cleaning jobs, a song came to my head that made me smile. I hope it can do the same for you. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Daydream Believer -- The Monkees

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