Sunday, 30 April 2023

10-120 (30/4/23) -- Flowers Everywhere

We had a lovely sunny and warm day. I had planned to dig some flowers for transplanting elsewhere, but the ground is too dry today. The forecast shows that there will be cloud and rain for the next 4-5 days. So, it will get easier to lift the plants in a few days -- colder and wetter, but easier <smile> 

My afternoon walk occurred after typing some editorial comments for a manuscript. The daffodils are in full bloom around the neighbourhood and the magnolia on Main Street is close to full bloom. It is usually the first to bloom in town given the warm southern exposure it grows in. Campus trees were budding a week ago and they will be out this week -- as long as the weather is kind to them. I enjoy spring flowers and the flowering trees and shrubs. They are so colourful and bring hope for the greening of the trees all around us. 

Sugar Magnolia -- The Grateful Dead

10-119 (29/4-23) -- What Day is it?

Today was a usual Saturday filled with laundry and house cleaning chores. I also spent time reading and editing a manuscript that has been recently resurrected. I made several comments and minor edits that I will send to my colleague to discuss at our meeting this coming week. 

I realized today that I've been chatting with people from several different time zones this week. It seems very bizzare at times to be talking with people at different times f day and even when it is a different day (if we chat later in the day). I've done virtual meetings with people across the 5-1/2 time zones of Canada and the 4 of the US. I've also met with people in Europe and Australia where they are in a very different time of day and generally are in a different day. It is surreal at times to be discussing things when at different ends of the day or a day ahead or behind. It makes my head spin thinking through it all. If we plan to chat the next day, it could already be that day for one of us but not the other. It reminds me of a song title from a musical. I share that with you here tonight. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Today for You, Tomorrow for Me -- Rent (Original Broadway Cast) 

10-117 (27/4/23) -- Up the Hill

It's official. I'm moving. The new place is located on a hillside on the east side of town. Technically, it is in the county not the town, but it isn't outside of the town area. The development contains duplexes that are called townhomes<smile>. I will move into a new build for the first time in my life -- though when I was 6 months old we did move into the family home as it was being built. <smile> I've viewed a unit with a similar orientation so I can get the layout clearer in my head. The unit viewed was still in the work phase, so we looked at another across the street closer to being occupied. I did a quick walk through over a year ago when I added my name to the lengthy waiting list. I remembered some things fairly well, but the details were a little fuzzy. The storage shelving in the garage is amazing. I love the fixtures in bathrooms. The deck is huge -- about twice what I thought it was from looking out the window last year -- so there is lots of space for container gardening and a couple deck chairs. Cool. The kitchen really excited me -- Food is my Life {TM} after all <grin>. The appliances are new and very nice. Master bedroom has a walk-in closet that is a walk-through on the way to the master bath. Extremely cool. The place is very energy efficient with great insulation, triple glazed windows and high efficiency appliances -- even a very cool hot water heater that uses room heat to warm the water. 

Now I am torn about moving away from the downtown core where I can walk almost everywhere -- except the grocery stores. Getting to Main Street from the new area is a much longer walk than I would do several times a week. I like my neighbourhood of older homes that are all different from each other. Many are heritage homes and close to or over a century old. I do live in a mid-century bungalow in the midst of the older places. The neighbourhood has mature landscaping with great fawna to watch. I expect there will be much different nature to see up the hill, though there are only little shrubs so fewer birds to watch. The orientation of the new place faces west so the front deck will provide access to sunsets and the back deck will get the sunrise. Anyone who knows me will understand that the sunset is more my speed <grin>. Having windows on three sides will be great. The current house has only windows on North and South sides. 

I have a lot ahead of me -- again a time when I'd like a personal assistant to help with wrangling the little things and organizing the bigger ones. Getting everything into boxes will be a challenge. I've been sorting to discard, keep or donate for the past year. There will be a bit more of this as I pack what remains. Having a clear vision of the new place helps with next phases of the process. One song came to mind that made me giggle. Being up a hill on the east side of town sort of fits the lyrics. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Movin' on Up (Theme song to The Jeffersons) -- by Ja'net Dubois & Oren Waters

10-116 (26/4/23) -- Numbers & Calculations

Today was spent mainly deep into doing the tax return and checking and re-checking the final numbers. No matter what I did, it looks like I'll owe more than expected <sigh>.  I will submit these this week before the deadline. Since the workers are on strike at present, this may take longer than usual to be processed. They will have my payment, though, so there shouldn't be any issue. I will need to make some changes in the tax withholding for next year, though. 

The song today deals with the main topic of my day. It is an interesting prog-rock song. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Money -- Pink Floyd

-- song about money -- 

10-118 (28/3/23) -- Making Groceries

I went to get groceries this afternoon. I met a former colleague who was shopping for curry sauce after a discussion we had earlier this week. She found two sauces that she felt would work well. I hope she has a good experience. Such sauces are as close as we get to the local spice merchant who mixes spices for whatever dish you plan to cook that evening. It is always fresh and no guessing as to what to put together at home. He does it all for you. I recall seeing a fellow doing this when we were n Singapore many years ago. I've yearned for something similar right here at home. When I looked at the choces available on the grocery store shelves, I realized that we did have things right where we are. If they were in one meal portion sizes, then nothing would go to waste or become less 'fresh' tastking. I have several sauces in the fridge at any given point and they get used, but could be used more often. I look forward to hearing of the experience of my friend. 

I wandered around the grocery store trying to find tings that were on my list. this is called 'making groceries' in New Orleans. Most of the items on the list were available, but a few items still aren't there or are there but at a price I refuse to pay. So, I will head over to the other grocery store in a few days to see if anything I culd find at store 1 might be at store 2. While shopping, I pondered the difference in terminology between here and in parts of the US. We tend to use the term 'grocery store' while many parts of the US call them 'supermarkets'. I share tonight a song using the later term. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Queen of the Supermarket -- Bruce Springsteen

10-115 (25/4/23) -- Clean Teeth

It has been another busy day. I had a very early IT appointment to check the laptop. When the tech tried to ope the camers, it worked for the first time in over three weeks.This seemed much like a problem with the car; whatever noise or issue one has disappears as soon as the technician has a look at the vehicle. <sigh>  I've been using a different laptop to do virtual meetings. It will be nice to get back to the usual machine. It also helps to be back with the more familiar laptop to do the day-to-day work. I have crossed fingers that the camera will continue to function since so many meetings are done on virtual platforms and without a visual it can be difficult to share information clearly. 

I had a research meeting and catch up with a reasearch colleague in the afternoon and ended the afternoon with an appointment for teeth cleaning -- not my fave experience but if it means keeping my real teeth -- no contest. I love that the hygienest takes time to give me a toothbrush that is a colour that I will actually use. I have a thing about yellow and orange -- a very negative visceral reponse. So, when I get a brush that colour, I choose to leave it behind. I know it is weird, but it is me <smile>. 

Today I share a song about the deeper meaning of toothbrushes. <grin> It makes me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Toothbrush -- Brad Paisley


Monday, 24 April 2023

10-114 (24/4/23) -- A Fond Farewell

The day began with cloud and fog. I met a friend and we headed to a celebration of life for a university colleague. His daughters told the story of his life with a photo slideshow. It was touching and filled with laughter -- just what a celebration of life should be. Three close friends told about their interactions with his life as an academic, racketball enthusiast and a friend from undergraduate years to present day. He taught microbiology to nursing and nutrition students. While in palliative care, many of his nurses were former students -- things coming full circle. 

He lived a full and wonderful life from moving to this rural university town from Malaysia to complete his undergraduate degree on full scholarship. He worked as an academic at university in London, then moved to Montreal to work in a brewery and a frozen hors d'oevres production company and for the past 30+ years he has been teaching here. He brought people together and got them engaged with community. In my first month here, he appeared at my door one day and asked what I was doing Friday. My reply was "teaching" <smile>. He said he was responsible for getting two bartenders for the Faculty lounge TGIF time. By doing this, he got me interacting with many people I'd not see or even be able to speak with otherwise. It seemed a smalll thing at the time, but it helped me make some solid connections that helped me throughout my work time there. He did this for many people by connecting them to activities and collegial interactions. I also recall his introducing me to Kathy Reichs when he'd arranged for her to speak on campus. That was a surreal evening chatting with her and the dentist who inspired her character of Ryan. My colleague connected people in so many ways <smile>. 

I will miss his calm manner, kindness, the sparkling of his eyes as he laughed, his wisdom, and ability to see the many sides of an issue. One of his daughter's life partner was MC today and the other played acoustic guitar and sang two lovely songs. The msic was so very comforting and especially so given they were favourites of their father. The ceremony ended with Imagine (John Lennon). I chose to include the other song here today. Each has a spiritual aspect -- not religious, but spiritual. This song was by Leonard Cohen. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Bird on a Wire -- Joe Cocker

Sunday, 23 April 2023

10-113 (23/4/23) -- Blue Sky Day

The sunshine felt warm today, with next to no breeze and bright blue sky. I spent a while on the back porch, taking apart the wreath I had hanging out front over the holidays and winter months. It adds a bit of brightness. I store it on the back porch until it is warm enought to sit outside and dismantle it -- so the branches go into the composting bin and the wire and frame hit the garbage bin. I worry about allergies, so never do this indoors. I took time to look at the flowers in the front lawn and marked some of them so that I can transplant them elsewhere. The rest of the day was spent finishing laundry and doing bits of household chores. I also took some time to pepare for upcoming meetings this week -- finding and reading requisite materials and making notes of questions and comments. I made a nice dinner of turkey meatloaf, baked sweet potato, sauteed peppers, onions and eggplant, and a mixed berry crisp. That felt good -- and tasted good, too <smile>. 

Overall it was a pleasant day. The chorus of an upbeat song came to mind while I was enjoying gazing at the sky. We need a day such as this every so often just to help us remeber that it isn't all heavy stuff. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lovely Day -- Bill Withers

Saturday, 22 April 2023

10-112 (22/4/23) -- Sustainability Goal

Today we celebrate the 53rd Earth Day, a global time to focus on climate change issues. This year the theme is "Invest in our Planet". The program today chose to stress the need to move towards more sustainable practices in businesses, communities, and our own homes. For example, our small town has invested in solar and wind farms to provide more renewable energy. The province legislated that all households sort solid waste into recycling (paper, plastics, aluminum), organic waste for community composting, and other waste destined for landfill. This was in place already when I moved here 25 years ago. It is good to live somewhere that has been a leader in solid wast management and has been successful in greatly reducing the amount of waste ending up in landfill sites. This is an example of businesses, communities and homes working together to address waste management and renewable energy sources. 

The lyrics that came to mind early in the day are from a song released in the 1970s. It was written by a Canadian singer-songwriter and has been covered by many artist over the years. I did hear one of these versions while at the physio yesterday. I share that here today.  Keep safe. Enjoy!  

After the Goldrush -- The Trio -- Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris & Linda Ronstadt (written by Neil Young) 

10-111 (21/4/23) -- A New Vantage Point

As we headed into the weekend, we had some great blue sky moments between the white puffy clouds. At least i was less grey than yesterday, but not much warmer feeling. 

I had a physio appointment later in the day. While doing having some heat treatment, I listened to the restful music. Generally he plays celtic folk genre tunes, but today it was something with a country take. One song sounded vaguely familiar and then I realized it was a country star singing a countrified version of a song known in a rock format. Interesting. I suppose this was the universe reminding me that one can see (or hear) the same message from different points of view and possibly learn somethng new from another perspective. Hmmm. 

Hearing this new to me version of a song got me hunting up the origin and history of the tune. It was first recorded by an early rock and roll duo, The Everly Brothers. Fourteen years later it was recorded by Nazareth, a hard rock band that had the most successful release. It has been covered by many musicians including Roy Orbison, Emmylou Harris, Heart, Joan Jett, The Who, a duet by Norah Jones and Keith Richards (uncomfortable moments when watching that one) and even a bluegrass version. I include the somethng close to the version I heard today since it jolted me a bit and got me digging into the lengthy legacy of this song. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Love Hurts --  Emmylou Harris

10-110 (20/4/23) -- Term Ending

Today we had cloud with sunny breaks. Temps were warmish, but the wind had an icy feel. I walked to Main Street to do errands and take advantage of seniors discount day at one vendor -- every little bit helps. <smile> The squill and snow drops are in bloom in the front lawn. I love the way they've naturalized over the years and spread nicely. 

Students are packing up for the term all over town. My street has had several trucks, trailers and cars being filled with belongings. It is a rite of spring in a university community. I recall my father coming to load up my clothes and books and such each year. There was excitement for the summer work plans and sadness to say good-bye to friends that we wouldn't see for four months. At that age, four months seemed an eternity <smile>. I guess if I were bing honest, there are still things that make four months seem like forever. In the pre-internet days, regular letter mail was the only way to keep in touch. Even long distance phone costs were prohibitive. If we were lucky we'd be able to meet at a beach -- lake or river -- for a day over the summer. Mostly, though, we only saw people in our own towns. The focus was on summer jobs that would help pay for the next year at school. 

I will share the first song that ran through my mind today. This was as I was trying to back out of my driveway. There were trucks, trailers and cars parked all along the street on both sides. Legal parking is on one side only. This made the road rather narrow for me to swing out and head up hill. Instead I had to head in the opposite direction and go around the long way to get whre I needed to be. The lyric line sounded a bit like a celebration when it ran through my head. It is far from a favourite song of mine, but I will add it here anyway. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

School's Out -- Alice Cooper

songs about end of classes -- alice cooper? 

10-109 (19/4/23) -- Talking it Out

We had cloud again, but very little precipitation today. By late afternoon, the sky cleared a bit and the clouds that remained were less dark grey as they'd been earlier in the day. A friend and I walked out to dinner. A local restaurant does Indian curry specials on Wednesday from late fall to late spring. Summer menus don't have this treat available due to the increased traffic with tourists and their outdoor deck. So, off we went to take advantage of this specialty. There were two meals offered -- a chicken tikka masala and a butter masala paneer. I had the latter and it was amazing. They serve the curry with rice and naan bread. My friend had the chicken option and reported that it was delicious, too. Actually, I've never been disappointed with the offerings. 

I had two good chats today -- one with a colleague and the other over dinner with my friend. It helped me to see different perspctives for things that are bothering me at present. With time and some patience, it is possible for things to smooth out somewhat. Practicing ways to address anxiety before it gets out of hand will help as will understanding various sides of any situation. 

A song lyric came to mind -- one that addresses change as something we see in the world, society and our own lives. In keeping with an aquatic metaphor used by the singer-songwriter, a message of the song is to learn to go with the flow instead of fighting to swim upstream -- Not always easy and it may not always be the way to head. We do need to choose which battles to fight and which to let go, though. In keeping with the theme of change, I chose to share a cover of the song -- to change it up, so to speak. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Times They are a-Changin' -- Tracy Chapman

10-108 (18/4/23) -- Need to Hide?

It was a colder rainy day again -- a regular spring transition weather pattern. I was indoors most of the day working on paying bills and making some appointments for the next couple of weeks.  One utilty bill required a phone call to ask for a credit for one extra item included in error. I asked how it would have been added and was told that it had to be added from my end. Believe me, I didn't do this. <sigh> I'm tired of this company blaming me for anything that goes wrong with their billing processes. 

On days like this, I often think that it would be nice to have an assistant to help with all the things that need to be done day to day. Sometimes they can become so overwhelming. Smaller things like basic housework, making appointments, sitting on hold when trying to get in touch with company representatives, filing household papers -- these can sit undone for a long time while larger things are being done. Eventually the smaller bits become huge and we have to get the winter tires changed or taxes completed and filed. <sigh> Don't get me wrong, I've been doing this for my whole adult life without any major issues. There are just days when I don't want to have to contend with it all. <smile> Perhaps this is why I can be rather good at ignoring things -- one of the ways that I handle anxiety. Not a great management strategy, but it has been with me forever. <sigh> Ignoring things is a way to hide from it all. Some days being able to be alone to refocus is just what we need to recharge a bit. 

A line from a song says what I've thought about hiding from things -- "I could hide in a crack in the road".  The title also speaks to how mixed up one can feel some days especially when a pile of tasks seems poised to fall and bury us. <smile> All this and the lyrics deal with food and after all, "Food is My Life [TM]". Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Milkshake -- Peter Tork ft.backup vocals by Micky Dolenz and Mike Nesmith

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

10-107 (17/4/23) -- Crazy Start to Week

Another grey overcast day with cool easterly winds started the week. Rain is expected overnight and tomorrow. I headed out to a meeting and then spent some time getting a few grocery items. Some things are still at the store since I refuse to pay the crazy new prices. I'll have to get them eventually, but until I fully run out I will keep an eye on prices and hope for a sale. 

When clearing some paper work for the recycling pickup this week, the shredder jammed big time. I did everything they recommend to clear it to no avail. I then tried to pull out what bits of paper I could grasp with tweezers, again to no avail. So. I think it is toast. <sigh> Luckily, a couple of years ago, the now useless shredder was acting up, so I bought another one. Today, I unpacked it for the first time and finished the shredding task with the new cross-cutting machine. I guess that is one less thing that I'd need to pay to replace. 

Getting things into the blue recycling bags felt good. I don't put these out every pickup week, but only when the bags are full. If I'm going to be required to use yet another plastic bag, I want it to be full. So, this trip to the curb generally happens once a month insttead of the twice monthly that they gather this debris from  the curb. 

I chose a song that fit the day -- lots happening and still much left undone. The version shared is from the songwriter not the group that made it a hit. I like the different pacing and production of this demo-like version. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Manic Monday -- Prince

10-106 (16/4/23) -- Recalling a Rising

Today is Culloden Day when 277 years ago highlanders fought for independence of their country and reinstallation of the the Stewart kings. They lost badly to the English king's army. This second of the Jacobite uprisings led to the imprisonment and eventual deportation of many Scots to the Americas as indentured servents. Tartans were outlawed. Clan estates and castles were destroyed. The culture survived, but some of the old ways were lost. Locals from the area where I live have gone to Scotland to teach the older Gaelic, music and step dancing. Why from here do they cross the ocean to teach such subjects? Well, many of the families who settled here left to find a new home after the first and second risings in the 1700s. 

The song I chose to share today deals with the escape of Prince Charles (also called the Bonnie Prince). He had been in the highlands during the battle and managed to find his way across to one of the outlying islands and then back to the European continent.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Skye Boat Song -- The Corries

10-105 (15/4/23) -- That Time Again

It has been a usual Saturday. Laundry took much of the day. I took time to catch up on blogs. These have been hand-written and needed to be transcribed to the blog site. It takes time. An outing took me on shopping errands and to my office on campus for a few small tasks. 

Getting back into a regular groove after being away for a while takes a concerted effort. Household cleaning tasks appear everywhere I look. Larger laundry loads occur due to missing laundry days while away. Refilling the fridge helps to expand the list of potential meals that can be made. It doesn't take too long to catch up around the house. The blogs, though, take more time. I can post some while traveling, but always write them longhand so I can get them up as soon as possible upon my return. It might be that spring brings the idea of cleaning through things to get things cleared away and ready to roll. <smile> A song that has been buzzing around in my brain today seems to fit the time of year and need to tackle household chores -- well the title hints at it all. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Time of the Season -- The Zombies

10-104 (14/4/23) -- Spring Blooms

Mixed sun and cloud  filled the day. I went for a walk to enjoy the sunshine between the clouds. Some of the crocuses in my front yard bloomed today. Squill will follow in the next week or so. Neighbourhood yards have snowdrops in full bloom. I have one or two in the front lown but they are nearer the house on the north side, so won be out until the squill. 

I love walking the neighbourhood and seeing the spring flowers in yards with differing sun exposures. Daffodils will be out shortly but the other smaller bulbs start the parade with various shades of blue, purple, lilac, white and yellow. It is difficult not to smile when looking at the gorgeous colour popping out from behind the leaves of last fall and the grass. A song that fit my walk is shared here. I like the intro with sounds akin to wind chimes. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

It's a Beautiful Morning -- The Rascals

10-103 (13/4/23) -- Mini Start

The day began with an early phonemeeting with my MD to fix a mixup with a presecription. Thankfully, pharmacists could renew the med once while the MD was away. As of today, things should be back to normal in that area. The sun was out all day creating a lovely time for a quick walk to do errands on Main Street. 

Mary Quant, a major fashion designer of the 1960s, died today. She was credited with designing and promoting hot pants and the mini skirt. Interestingly, some say the name had nothing to do with the skirt length, but rather was named after her favourite car. These two wardrobe items had emancipatory -- freeing the legs to move without constriction. These fashion stars fit well with the greater women's movement of the '60s. 

When thinking of '60s mini skirts, I often see them paired with white go-go boots. I have a picture in my head of the singer of the song shared today. She is wearing the boots and a mini shift or skimmer dress. Not sure where that image was from -- couldn't find it when searching today. At least this cover shows the mini skirt or dress. <smile> 

Downtown -- Petula Clark

10-102 (12/4/23) -- Taxing Activities

I'll admit that today was a slow day for me. Much of the day was overcast, so I was inside doing household chores, unpacking, and such. I did go for a short walk in the afternoon, though. The spring flowers are popping up in the neighbourhood. My front lawn shows signs of crocuses getting ready to bloom. Just a day with some sun will bring on the blossoms. 

It is time to get into household accounts as the time to submit taxes will be here before we know it. I have delved into this morass today and the various parts of the process will continue over the next week or so. It is clear that items across many categories have gone up in cost over the past year -- significantly so. <sigh> This brings to mind a song -- one that I hear in my head often at this time of year. 

Taxman -- The Beatles

10-101 (11/4/23) -- Heading Home

Today was a long travel day. The one layover was over 3 hours. While dreading this time cooped up in an airport, it turned out quite well. Doing customs in the connecting passenger area meant there were only about a dozen of us in line. This was unprecidented! I got some lunch and sat people watching. Thee were far fewer people around than one would have found pre-COVID. We've been told that more people are traveling now than befor the pandemic, but this was not evident today. Once back in the province, I had a 2+ hour drive home. The day was very warm and sunny on return. In fact it was 20C at 4:30PM. Once on the outskirts of town, I stopped at the grocery store to get some fresh produce and dairy since I'd left the fridge quite bare. I arrived back at the house just after 8PM. 

Given the 14 hours in transit, I was a bit befuddled and chose to make a sandwich and chai, have a shower and crawl into bed.  I heard lines from a song as I traveled along today. Saying good bye is always a challenge as is being far apart. This song notes the road home to a place might be OK. Being home to a person would be cooler, though. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Take me Home Country Roads -- John Denver

Monday, 17 April 2023

10-100 (10/4/23) -- Led Astray

The excitement today involved using a map app to direct us to a restaurant for supper. We went round and round with the directions. We spotted the restaurant, but couldn't get there using the turns and streets suggested by the app. We finally got there on our own. When we checked a street view online, it made more sense. The restauranat was a new build and the latest street overhead view of the spot showed an empty lot in the midst of construction. <sigh> So, as long as places have been standing for a longer time, the app would work wel.. Anything new might lead folks astray.  

While getting where we were headed brought some frustration, it brought some laughter, too. The absurdity of the situation and the different directions which would have taken us in the entirely wrong direction were silly. It reminded me of a time when we had been heading out of town and the app tried to get us to turn right onto the railway tracks <shaking head>. A need for some human directional wisdom exists when using such software -- or so it seems. <grin> 

A line and title from a song came to mind, even though we got back without any issues <smile> . Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Can't Find My Way Home -- Blind Faith

10-99 (9/4/23) -- A Memorial Day

We went for two walks today. The day was sunny with partial cloud in the morning and clear blue skies in the afternoon. The wind carried a chill, though, so extra layers were necessary. It was nice to see drier air return and the precipitation leave. In the late morning we walked around the neighbourhood. By late afternoon, we headed out to a local park for a walk around the trail. Both outings showed us some wonderful spring flower patches showing and great treed areas. 

Today marks the 106th anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge in France during World War I. The land where this took place was given to Canada by France on which to build memorial. The battle lasted four days. Fighting occurred in a muddy field covered in huge depressions cause by mortar fire. Some of those depressions exist today, though the fields are greener than they were on the cold, snowy Easter Monday morning when the battle began. Today Canada marks the men killed and wounded during this battle, which has been recognized as a key point in time for nationhood. For the first time, Canadian regiments fought side by side along a lengthy area of the front. The Canadians proved themselves here and were seen as more than troops of the Empire. 

I've been particularly interested in this battle since I wrote a report about it in Grade 7 or 8. It was not part of our text books but I had read about it in a magazine and wanted others to know about it. Also, my maternal grandfather fought in that battle. He came home unlike countless other men. The song I share today has a strong celtic folk sound. The singer is a Canadian singer-songwriter. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Vimy Ridge -- LIzzy Hoyt

10-98(8/4/23) -- Rainy Day

It was another rainy cold day. It seemed reasonable to use the oven to bake some things for upcoming meals. We decided to let the main dish sit in the fridge until tomorrow so the flavours would meld well. So we headed out for a lovely dinner. It poured all evening and as people entered the restaurant there was a nasty blast of cold air accompanying them. Many puddles greeted us as we exited after dinner. The main courses were delightful but the desserts -- we shared -- were amazing. We got creme brulee and key lime pie. The latter used an animal cracker crust -- something new to me. It would work very well in recipes since I dislike chocolate and graham cracker crust is great, but this newer (to me) crust would be a great alternative. 

The pouring rain brought with it the risk of flooding for several rivers. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Given the intensity of the rain the local creeks and such will be flowing more briskly than usual, I expect. 

I find a rainy night calming. I like the sound of the rain against the roof and windows. It helps sleep arrive. So, I'm hoping for a good sleep tonight. The song that came to mind today deals with these feelings. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Love a Rainy Night -- Eddie Rabbitt

10-97 (7/4/23) -- Flickering Screens

Early this morning much lightning appeared with very little thunder. Rain had been falling overnight and was around most of the day. Temperatures were very chilly especially after the warmth of the past couple of days. We chose to visit a museum in the afternoon since it was too wet for a walk. Many other people chose a similar activity. The place was filled with families, which was great to see -- so much better than just parking kids in front of a flickering screen. I was moved by a great hallway display of tributes to women of science. Seeing so many women highlighted in such a busy public space felt great. 

After an early supper, we settled in with a binge watch of several episodes of a TV drama from a few years ago. Advertisements for the channel seemed much longer than the program segments -- so very repetitive. So, I ended my day doing exactly what I was pleased to see kids not doing <grin>. We had searched for something of interest to watch before we settled. With so many channels available it seemed bizarre that finding a program to view was so difficult. That, of course, reminded me of a song. While the numbers are far less than what we looked through today, the sentiment is much the same. Keep safe. Enjoy!

57 Channels (and Nothing On) -- Bruce Springsteen

10-95 (5/4/23) -- Sharing Time

The day was mainly sunny and very warm. Temperatures will drop by the weekend but for today people were out in shorts and sandals. After an appointment we went for a walk along another educational forest trail. It was good to do this before things became too warm. Long pants and socks and shoes make more sense when walking in nature <smile>. Again the setting was very peaceful. The breeze helped to waylay the intenseness as the heat began to rise. Interestingly, the breeze disappeared as we exited the area and the temperature was much warmer out by the car. 

It was a fun food day. We ate restaurant leftovers for lunch, made pasta and broccoli rabe for supper and went in search of dessert -- some fatty sugary starch to be specific. <grin> We found large cinnamon rolls and got some hot cross buns in keeping with the season. The rolls made a substantial bedtime snack today. <smile> They are a weakness of mine so I try not to buy more than a single roll at a time rather than the packages of four or six.

Spending time with a dear friend while cooking and sharing a glass of wine can feel so wonderful. Going for a walk together feels relaxing.  Even binge watching television feels good. It all comes down to spending time together. The past few years made such experiences difficult to do. The inability to visit or travel made us understand how much we need to be able to share time with others. Today was all about this. It reminded me of a song <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

You're my Best Friend -- Queen


10-96 (6/4/23) -- Tartans Galore

The day began with migraine pain. As time passed the pain left but the fatigue remained. It was a warm day with some rain so spending time indoors wasn't to onerous. We went for a short outing to run an errand and to an evening filled with music. It was a laid back sort of day for me. 

Today is also Tartan Day in Canada. Each province and territory has its own tartan. Living in an area where Scots immegrated back in the 1700s, tartans are everywhere. The dress tartans are generally brightly coloured -- often with red backgrounds. The hunting plaids are more subdued -- more earlthy shades like greens and brownsl I like the hunting type the most. The song today fits Tartan Day very well <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Tartan -- Kenneth McKeller


Thursday, 6 April 2023

10-94 (4/4/23) -- Mixed Moods

The day brought sunshine and warmer temperatures today. It was a quieter day. In the morning we headed for an appointment and in the afternoon I did a small load of laundry and some hand laundry.  We did a neighbourhood walk in the late afternoon and then had a late supper at a local diner. The food there never disappoints and today was no different. I love their side dishes -- so many choices. <smile> 

Even though there was much to enjoy during the day, overall I felt a bit down. There wasn't an apparent reason, but the mood included sadness and inability to adapt to changed plans. Looking back on the day as a whole, it was not a bad day. I so don't like feeling like this when I'm not sure how to 'fix' it all when the cause is unclear. On reflection the mood reminded me of a song title. The reflective thoughts showed me that my day was a combo of the two descriptors noted in this song. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Some Days are Diamonds -- John Denver


10-93 (3/4/23) -- Elusive Nonstick Surface

To day we went in search of the elusive non-stick pan -- I mean a real non-stick pan. Emphasis on NON-stick. Has anyone else found this difficult to obtain? It is like a dream we all have and someone promises it in fancy marketing. We purchase such products but to no avail. Things continue to stick. While searching I felt it was a bit odd that there were four or more types of non-stick surfaces offered by the same company -- in effect becoming their own competition along with the competition of other major companies. We hunted the aisles of a larger store and found nothing that inspired confidence. I have a couple of pans at home that I found over the years, but neither brand was offered at this store. So the search will continue. <sigh> In the meantime, we either dispose of the extra-sticky so-called non-stick pans or perhaps change the way we cook altogether. <big sigh> 

Believe it or not, all of this searching did bring a song to mind <grin>. It took a while to find the title, but all is well and I've shared it for your listening pleasure. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cook of the House -- Paul and Linda McCartney 

10-92 (2/4/23) -- Unexpected Happenings

We went for groceries and other errands and stopped for a later lunch. We chose a new sushi restaurant where we ordered Thai curry. This was a pleasant turn of events, as we'd expected that they only did sushi. Go figure. The menu was extensive and came in a binder with photos of each food item -- like I saw on my trips to Asia. There were way too many choices, but we narrowed things and enjoyed both dishes. Needless to say there was a lot of food to take home with us <smile>. 

In the late afternoon, we went for a walk through the neighbourhood and saw the early moonrise. It was mostly full today. The walk was peaceful. Many trees were left standing when the development began. Along the way, we heard the breeze rustling the branches as well as a number of different birds chattering.

I thought a lot about the unexpected event over our lunch plans. Serendipity presents itself often. I love the happy surprises that we encounter. Perhaps I need to focus on these occasions more often. They can bring a wonderful turn of mood -- like receiving an unexpected gift. Cool. 

Surprise, Surprise -- Cilla Black

10-91 (1/4/23) -- Tribute Band

The morning was windy and rainy but a mix of sun and cloud appeared by mid-afternoon. The wind didn't diminish until later in the day. This evening we went to a coffee house concert by a tribute band. The audience found the patter of the lead singer -- a woman dressed like the original band's lead calling herself Jane instead of John. It was a bit crazy at times, but a lot of fun.  

In honour of the tribute band and noting the nasty weather in the wider storm system, I chose to share a song by the original band. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Bad Moon Rising -- Creedence Clearwater Revival 

10-90 (31/3/23) -- Forest Walk

A highlight of the day was a lovely walk in a protected forest area that focuses on ecological education about the area. I marveled at the peaceful and quiet nature of the pathways, knowing that a new subdivision and major roadways run along the edge of the protected area -- after all we arrived by road <smile>. I loved the labeling of trees and facts about the soil in which various species grew and which trees grow well side by side. 

Into the evening, we went out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I loved the chicken and shrimp fajitas that came with fresh guacamole, sour cream, chopped lettuce and refried beans. It was all so delicious. By the time we got home, I was tired. Mom always said fresh air wore you out -- I expect it is because kids play more robustly when outside. <smile> 

I chose a song about growing up in the forest by a well known singer-songwriter. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Copperline -- James Taylor

10-89 (30/3/23) -- Changing Scenery

We went shopping  an ran some errands during the day, Later in the day we went for a drive through the region. The major theme of the drive quickly became focused on all the new construction -- residential, business and road variations covered the lands along the way. Several projects have moved along since I was here last while many -- and I mean many -- new projects are in full swing while others are at the land clearing phase. It is stunning. The ruralness of the area seems to be a victim of urban sprawl. The rural nature can be seen in further down the roads, but these also will succumb to the creeping takeover of more urban developments. 

At an evening music event, a song played that fit the ponderings of the changing landscapes. It is from a great Canadian band. I enjoy seeing these fresh young faces <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Subdivisions -- Rush

10-88 (29/3/233) -- Altering Mindset

I had an early start to the long travel day. I checked in at the kiosk with the help of a wonderful agent. I managed to get a quick breakfast prior to the boarding time. The second flight left from a major airport with a very long journey from the arrival gate to the departure area. It took 15+ minutes to get to the area for international security and customs. After these formalities, It took another 8-10 minutes to get to the gate. Even though late arriving, there was still an hour left before boarding time. For the second flight, we took a trip outside to board the teeny tiny plane. We were forced to sky check bags since only one side of the plane had overhead bins and these were smaller than needed for the larger carry-on pieces. This plane was obviously designed before the increased trend to go with carry on only. The third and final flight left from a larger airport that required changing terminals -- another lengthy journey through airports. Despite being a bit late leaving, we arrived on time. It was great to see my dear friend waiting there. It has been a long time between visits. 

I met some helpful people today that worked for the airlines. I'll admit this was unexpected. These folks renewed my faith in people who enjoy what they are doing and enjoy helping people. This made me think of the need to look for the positives rather than expecting the worst. I will need to work on this mindset more, I think. 

A song chorus came to mind that helped me to smile. The version I wanted was from a movie, but I couldn't find it so I settled for this version. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life -- Art Garfunkel 

10-87 (28/3/23) -- Unexpected Stressors

Today was the first time I drove out of town since the hurricane last September. So many downed trees were visible along the way. On the north side I could see the tops and trunks of these trees and on the south side were rows of root balls. Winds had come from the north during that storm. The remnants will be around for years. 

This morning the garbage collector failed to take both bags of garbage. One of these had been left behind two weeks ago on pick up day. <sigh> I called Town Hall who directed me to the contracted company. The best we could do was assume the drive did not see the clear bag with one white opaque smaller bag inside along with the used litter. Against the snow, it might have lacked enough contrast to look unlike the snow and mud on the ground. I hope that both bags go at the next pickup. I hate storing over time. I did manage a laugh as I dragged the leftover bag back to the house, though. <smile>

After the drive, I got directions to the new long term parking area. It was a nightmare scene. It took at least 10 minutes to walk back to the hotel. I went to the counter and asked if this space was really where I was expected to leave the car -- a mud pit with people parked on precarious inclines either front to back or side to side. I politely noted it was unsafe for vehicles and with no lighting for the customers, too. The assistant directed me to a distant asphalt area -- only 5 minutes back to the building. So, no contest. I walked all the way back to where I'd first left the car and moved it to the newer place. There was the need to get an annotated hanger with authorization by the individual at the desk. It is my fervent wish that the car is still there on my return and not been towed by anyone else.

So, the day had a couple of crazy stressful things that were unexpected in an otherwise stressful day. While sitting down for supper, a song played overhead that spoke to finding some calm and making things feel better. It make me smile and relax a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

 Hey Jude -- The Beatles