Monday, 17 April 2023

10-95 (5/4/23) -- Sharing Time

The day was mainly sunny and very warm. Temperatures will drop by the weekend but for today people were out in shorts and sandals. After an appointment we went for a walk along another educational forest trail. It was good to do this before things became too warm. Long pants and socks and shoes make more sense when walking in nature <smile>. Again the setting was very peaceful. The breeze helped to waylay the intenseness as the heat began to rise. Interestingly, the breeze disappeared as we exited the area and the temperature was much warmer out by the car. 

It was a fun food day. We ate restaurant leftovers for lunch, made pasta and broccoli rabe for supper and went in search of dessert -- some fatty sugary starch to be specific. <grin> We found large cinnamon rolls and got some hot cross buns in keeping with the season. The rolls made a substantial bedtime snack today. <smile> They are a weakness of mine so I try not to buy more than a single roll at a time rather than the packages of four or six.

Spending time with a dear friend while cooking and sharing a glass of wine can feel so wonderful. Going for a walk together feels relaxing.  Even binge watching television feels good. It all comes down to spending time together. The past few years made such experiences difficult to do. The inability to visit or travel made us understand how much we need to be able to share time with others. Today was all about this. It reminded me of a song <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

You're my Best Friend -- Queen


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