Monday, 17 April 2023

10-96 (6/4/23) -- Tartans Galore

The day began with migraine pain. As time passed the pain left but the fatigue remained. It was a warm day with some rain so spending time indoors wasn't to onerous. We went for a short outing to run an errand and to an evening filled with music. It was a laid back sort of day for me. 

Today is also Tartan Day in Canada. Each province and territory has its own tartan. Living in an area where Scots immegrated back in the 1700s, tartans are everywhere. The dress tartans are generally brightly coloured -- often with red backgrounds. The hunting plaids are more subdued -- more earlthy shades like greens and brownsl I like the hunting type the most. The song today fits Tartan Day very well <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Tartan -- Kenneth McKeller


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