Sunday, 23 April 2023

10-113 (23/4/23) -- Blue Sky Day

The sunshine felt warm today, with next to no breeze and bright blue sky. I spent a while on the back porch, taking apart the wreath I had hanging out front over the holidays and winter months. It adds a bit of brightness. I store it on the back porch until it is warm enought to sit outside and dismantle it -- so the branches go into the composting bin and the wire and frame hit the garbage bin. I worry about allergies, so never do this indoors. I took time to look at the flowers in the front lawn and marked some of them so that I can transplant them elsewhere. The rest of the day was spent finishing laundry and doing bits of household chores. I also took some time to pepare for upcoming meetings this week -- finding and reading requisite materials and making notes of questions and comments. I made a nice dinner of turkey meatloaf, baked sweet potato, sauteed peppers, onions and eggplant, and a mixed berry crisp. That felt good -- and tasted good, too <smile>. 

Overall it was a pleasant day. The chorus of an upbeat song came to mind while I was enjoying gazing at the sky. We need a day such as this every so often just to help us remeber that it isn't all heavy stuff. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lovely Day -- Bill Withers

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