Tuesday, 18 April 2023

10-105 (15/4/23) -- That Time Again

It has been a usual Saturday. Laundry took much of the day. I took time to catch up on blogs. These have been hand-written and needed to be transcribed to the blog site. It takes time. An outing took me on shopping errands and to my office on campus for a few small tasks. 

Getting back into a regular groove after being away for a while takes a concerted effort. Household cleaning tasks appear everywhere I look. Larger laundry loads occur due to missing laundry days while away. Refilling the fridge helps to expand the list of potential meals that can be made. It doesn't take too long to catch up around the house. The blogs, though, take more time. I can post some while traveling, but always write them longhand so I can get them up as soon as possible upon my return. It might be that spring brings the idea of cleaning through things to get things cleared away and ready to roll. <smile> A song that has been buzzing around in my brain today seems to fit the time of year and need to tackle household chores -- well the title hints at it all. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Time of the Season -- The Zombies

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