It has been another busy day. I had a very early IT appointment to check the laptop. When the tech tried to ope the camers, it worked for the first time in over three weeks.This seemed much like a problem with the car; whatever noise or issue one has disappears as soon as the technician has a look at the vehicle. <sigh> I've been using a different laptop to do virtual meetings. It will be nice to get back to the usual machine. It also helps to be back with the more familiar laptop to do the day-to-day work. I have crossed fingers that the camera will continue to function since so many meetings are done on virtual platforms and without a visual it can be difficult to share information clearly.
I had a research meeting and catch up with a reasearch colleague in the afternoon and ended the afternoon with an appointment for teeth cleaning -- not my fave experience but if it means keeping my real teeth -- no contest. I love that the hygienest takes time to give me a toothbrush that is a colour that I will actually use. I have a thing about yellow and orange -- a very negative visceral reponse. So, when I get a brush that colour, I choose to leave it behind. I know it is weird, but it is me <smile>.
Today I share a song about the deeper meaning of toothbrushes. <grin> It makes me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Toothbrush -- Brad Paisley
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