Sunday, 30 April 2023

10-118 (28/3/23) -- Making Groceries

I went to get groceries this afternoon. I met a former colleague who was shopping for curry sauce after a discussion we had earlier this week. She found two sauces that she felt would work well. I hope she has a good experience. Such sauces are as close as we get to the local spice merchant who mixes spices for whatever dish you plan to cook that evening. It is always fresh and no guessing as to what to put together at home. He does it all for you. I recall seeing a fellow doing this when we were n Singapore many years ago. I've yearned for something similar right here at home. When I looked at the choces available on the grocery store shelves, I realized that we did have things right where we are. If they were in one meal portion sizes, then nothing would go to waste or become less 'fresh' tastking. I have several sauces in the fridge at any given point and they get used, but could be used more often. I look forward to hearing of the experience of my friend. 

I wandered around the grocery store trying to find tings that were on my list. this is called 'making groceries' in New Orleans. Most of the items on the list were available, but a few items still aren't there or are there but at a price I refuse to pay. So, I will head over to the other grocery store in a few days to see if anything I culd find at store 1 might be at store 2. While shopping, I pondered the difference in terminology between here and in parts of the US. We tend to use the term 'grocery store' while many parts of the US call them 'supermarkets'. I share tonight a song using the later term. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Queen of the Supermarket -- Bruce Springsteen

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