The day began with cloud and fog. I met a friend and we headed to a celebration of life for a university colleague. His daughters told the story of his life with a photo slideshow. It was touching and filled with laughter -- just what a celebration of life should be. Three close friends told about their interactions with his life as an academic, racketball enthusiast and a friend from undergraduate years to present day. He taught microbiology to nursing and nutrition students. While in palliative care, many of his nurses were former students -- things coming full circle.
He lived a full and wonderful life from moving to this rural university town from Malaysia to complete his undergraduate degree on full scholarship. He worked as an academic at university in London, then moved to Montreal to work in a brewery and a frozen hors d'oevres production company and for the past 30+ years he has been teaching here. He brought people together and got them engaged with community. In my first month here, he appeared at my door one day and asked what I was doing Friday. My reply was "teaching" <smile>. He said he was responsible for getting two bartenders for the Faculty lounge TGIF time. By doing this, he got me interacting with many people I'd not see or even be able to speak with otherwise. It seemed a smalll thing at the time, but it helped me make some solid connections that helped me throughout my work time there. He did this for many people by connecting them to activities and collegial interactions. I also recall his introducing me to Kathy Reichs when he'd arranged for her to speak on campus. That was a surreal evening chatting with her and the dentist who inspired her character of Ryan. My colleague connected people in so many ways <smile>.
I will miss his calm manner, kindness, the sparkling of his eyes as he laughed, his wisdom, and ability to see the many sides of an issue. One of his daughter's life partner was MC today and the other played acoustic guitar and sang two lovely songs. The msic was so very comforting and especially so given they were favourites of their father. The ceremony ended with Imagine (John Lennon). I chose to include the other song here today. Each has a spiritual aspect -- not religious, but spiritual. This song was by Leonard Cohen. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Bird on a Wire -- Joe Cocker
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