Thursday, 6 April 2023

10-87 (28/3/23) -- Unexpected Stressors

Today was the first time I drove out of town since the hurricane last September. So many downed trees were visible along the way. On the north side I could see the tops and trunks of these trees and on the south side were rows of root balls. Winds had come from the north during that storm. The remnants will be around for years. 

This morning the garbage collector failed to take both bags of garbage. One of these had been left behind two weeks ago on pick up day. <sigh> I called Town Hall who directed me to the contracted company. The best we could do was assume the drive did not see the clear bag with one white opaque smaller bag inside along with the used litter. Against the snow, it might have lacked enough contrast to look unlike the snow and mud on the ground. I hope that both bags go at the next pickup. I hate storing over time. I did manage a laugh as I dragged the leftover bag back to the house, though. <smile>

After the drive, I got directions to the new long term parking area. It was a nightmare scene. It took at least 10 minutes to walk back to the hotel. I went to the counter and asked if this space was really where I was expected to leave the car -- a mud pit with people parked on precarious inclines either front to back or side to side. I politely noted it was unsafe for vehicles and with no lighting for the customers, too. The assistant directed me to a distant asphalt area -- only 5 minutes back to the building. So, no contest. I walked all the way back to where I'd first left the car and moved it to the newer place. There was the need to get an annotated hanger with authorization by the individual at the desk. It is my fervent wish that the car is still there on my return and not been towed by anyone else.

So, the day had a couple of crazy stressful things that were unexpected in an otherwise stressful day. While sitting down for supper, a song played overhead that spoke to finding some calm and making things feel better. It make me smile and relax a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

 Hey Jude -- The Beatles

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