Thursday, 6 April 2023

10-93 (3/4/23) -- Elusive Nonstick Surface

To day we went in search of the elusive non-stick pan -- I mean a real non-stick pan. Emphasis on NON-stick. Has anyone else found this difficult to obtain? It is like a dream we all have and someone promises it in fancy marketing. We purchase such products but to no avail. Things continue to stick. While searching I felt it was a bit odd that there were four or more types of non-stick surfaces offered by the same company -- in effect becoming their own competition along with the competition of other major companies. We hunted the aisles of a larger store and found nothing that inspired confidence. I have a couple of pans at home that I found over the years, but neither brand was offered at this store. So the search will continue. <sigh> In the meantime, we either dispose of the extra-sticky so-called non-stick pans or perhaps change the way we cook altogether. <big sigh> 

Believe it or not, all of this searching did bring a song to mind <grin>. It took a while to find the title, but all is well and I've shared it for your listening pleasure. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cook of the House -- Paul and Linda McCartney 

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