Saturday, 22 April 2023

10-110 (20/4/23) -- Term Ending

Today we had cloud with sunny breaks. Temps were warmish, but the wind had an icy feel. I walked to Main Street to do errands and take advantage of seniors discount day at one vendor -- every little bit helps. <smile> The squill and snow drops are in bloom in the front lawn. I love the way they've naturalized over the years and spread nicely. 

Students are packing up for the term all over town. My street has had several trucks, trailers and cars being filled with belongings. It is a rite of spring in a university community. I recall my father coming to load up my clothes and books and such each year. There was excitement for the summer work plans and sadness to say good-bye to friends that we wouldn't see for four months. At that age, four months seemed an eternity <smile>. I guess if I were bing honest, there are still things that make four months seem like forever. In the pre-internet days, regular letter mail was the only way to keep in touch. Even long distance phone costs were prohibitive. If we were lucky we'd be able to meet at a beach -- lake or river -- for a day over the summer. Mostly, though, we only saw people in our own towns. The focus was on summer jobs that would help pay for the next year at school. 

I will share the first song that ran through my mind today. This was as I was trying to back out of my driveway. There were trucks, trailers and cars parked all along the street on both sides. Legal parking is on one side only. This made the road rather narrow for me to swing out and head up hill. Instead I had to head in the opposite direction and go around the long way to get whre I needed to be. The lyric line sounded a bit like a celebration when it ran through my head. It is far from a favourite song of mine, but I will add it here anyway. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

School's Out -- Alice Cooper

songs about end of classes -- alice cooper? 

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