Thursday, 1 February 2024

11-31 (31/1/24) -- Forecasting Future

This was a busy day. I ran several errands at the mall and grocery stores. There was bright sun that made seeing through the splashed windows tricky. I need to clean the side windows so I can see better tomorrow when I'm out again in what is promised to be a mix of sun and clouds. I look forward to enjoying the weather for tomorrow as I did today. The forecasters suggest that we will get snow for the following four days with larger amount again coming over the weekend. 

February often comes with a number of winter storms. I wouldn't mind the snow so much if it arrived in smaller packages. Five to seven cm (two to three inches) is more than enough to move -- even if it happened daily. I would prefer that to the 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in) at a time, especially if it is blown into drifts. These are often so densely packed that a shovel won't push or lift without the snow being 'cut' into blocks to move. I still have to move the snow off the patio from the last storm before the next load arrives. <smile> Maybe tomorrow. 

We are now in the middle of the winter season. January can be a long dark month. We can now see that the sun is around for a longer day. It feels very good to notice that the it is still bright outside later into the afternoon or early evening. That gives me hope even when February tends to bring some stellar storms. We'll see what transpires both for the coming few days of snowfall and for the remainder of winter. 

The song chosen to share today fits with the human need to know what the future holds. With all the high level math and computing abilities, forecasts can't be perfect. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

We Can't Predict the Future -- The Flaming Lips


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